Most people spend a
substantial amount of time getting ready for work. It’s important to look
professional for the job that you do. However, how we prepare ourselves
internally has a lot more to do with our success than
how we look on the outside.
Going to work can be a
battleground. Things come flying at you at hundred miles an hour. Starting from
the traffic to dealing with a difficult boss, employee, or a demanding
customer, it can easily sap your energy quickly. Let’s discuss seven traits
of a valuable employee.
Be at peace.
When you’re at peace, you are in control. The more you can handle a stressful
situation in a calm manner, the less frustrated you’ll be. Don’t be surprised
at the unexpected demands and behaviors of people. Part of that is what you’re
getting paid to handle. When you stay calm, cool, and collected, people respect
you and you become more valuable. Inner peace produces outer success.
Attitude is everything. Your attitude reveals your character and it
determines your altitude. Attitude is simply confronting a tense situation in a
relaxed, easy-going manner. Unfair things will happen. You have to choose your
attitude from the moment you get up or else the world outside will set it for you.
Employers are dying to find people with good attitudes. You can be the most
valuable employee in the company simply by having a can-do attitude.
Be positive.
This one quality will separate you from 90% of the people in your organization.
People are so quick to tune in to the negative. Anyone can report a problem.
You’re hired to solve problems. Bosses want to hear how it can be done. The
bigger problems you solve, the better compensation you’ll receive. No matter
what’s thrown at you, your first response should be, “Yes. We’ll get it done.” Don’t worry about the details; it’ll all
fall into place.
Delay response.
Not all matters require immediate response. Especially, when you’re dealing
with a critical email, customer, or employee, it will be to your benefit if you
delay your response. When you face a problem, put it on the shelf. I’m not
saying ignore the problem but don’t rush into action. Life has an amazing way
of working itself out. Sometimes the best action is no action.
Have integrity.
Why and how you do something is as important as what you do. In life, always
promise less and deliver more. Do what is right even when it’s hurting your
bottom line. A true test of integrity is to think, “What will I do if I was on the receiving end of my action?”
Don’t panic; pray. There will be the unexpected and the inevitable. There will be things
beyond your control. What you cannot change, pray that God will. When you pray,
you have power (from on high). Build a reputation of being a prayer person at
work and you’ll be amazed at the respect you earn! Unlike popular belief, don’t
separate your faith and work life. We’re all called to be light in the world.
Your witness for the Lord is vital to win the lost.
Be a balanced person at
work. Don’t let others run over you, but don’t be a slacker either. Showing up
is half the job done. Whatever you do, do it with all your might and
enthusiasm. When you do a hard task with a good attitude, you’ll accomplish
your goal faster. Honor God in the marketplace and He will honor you. You’re
the only witness some people will ever see. Instead of complaining, learn to
enjoy work. It will benefit everybody around. I’m praying for you and your
“Do everything without complaining and arguing” (Philippians 2:14 NLT).
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