Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Influence Shape History

If you’re a mother and unsure of your calling, you must know what an amazing person you are! Mothers have an incredible weight on the human race. A mother’s influence on a child begins before he or she is born and continues for generations. If you’re a mother, we celebrate you!

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Men are what their mothers made them.” It is the same for women as well. No other person makes sacrifices like a mother does. You may not understand your impact now but your dedication and perseverance will continue long after you’re gone. The burden you carry now, and the sacrifices you make in secret, will soon be rewarded openly.

The Bible teaches that when we’re living right and doing our best to please the Lord, we can pile up blessings and favor for our children and the generations to come. None of us got here on our own. Part of who you are today is because there was a praying mother, or a grandmother, or even a great-great grandmother, who took the time to honor God. They believed, they sacrificed; they made choices even though they’re hard to keep. They modeled a life of excellence and now you’re reaping the benefit of it.

In 2 Timothy 1:5, Paul said to his young disciple Timothy, “I am reminded of your faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now lives in you.” What Paul was saying is that the faith in Timothy didn’t start with him but with his grandmother Lois and if he continued in the things of God, it would continue from generations to generations.  Mothers, what you do today will affect generations to come. The life we live, and the decisions we make, should make it easier for those who come after us.

This is why it is so important for women to realize their role as a mother. You’re not just cooking, cleaning, and serving the family. Every sacrifice, every hardship you endure, you’re impacting generations to come. When you keep doing the right thing while the wrong things keep happening to you, you’re storing up blessings and favor for your children.

Most mothers tend to downplay their role in society. They don’t realize that it is their prayer, giving, and sacrifice that change history. The Bible talks about Joshua and people of Israel being in a fierce battle. Moses was on a hill holding up the rod of God in the air. As long as Moses held up his arms in the air, Joshua won but when he got tired and put his hands down, the enemy started to win. Joshua didn’t realize this but the only reason he was winning is because Moses was up on a hill holding up his staff. Without Moses doing his part, Joshua and the people of Israel would have been defeated. In the same way, mothers are often invisible from the limelight of the society. But it is your prayers, hardship, and sacrifice that bring forth champions in the world. They win because of you! My challenge to us today is to live our lives in such a way that will cause others to win. Every right decision you make, you’re holding up your hands. You’re making it easier on those who come after you. 

Some time ago, I watched a documentary about the giant pacific octopus. She lays thousands of eggs and then doesn’t leave them for anything, not even to eat. When she gets really hungry, the mother octopus has been known to eat one of her own legs. The eggs hatch after many months of enduring care from their mother. Once they’re on their own, the mother dies. I know many moms who have given up everything for their children. Even if your children are not walking with the Lord now, your prayers will ruin their party until they come to Jesus. Today I want to remind you that God will never put you through something difficult without rewarding you for it.

As we remember and celebrate the contributions of mothers in our society, let us remember the words of President Theodore Roosevelt, “The mother is the one supreme asset of national life.  She is more important, by far, than the successful states-man, businessman, artist, or scientist.” Mother, your children and grandchildren or even a hundred years from now, someone in your family line will make history because of the choices and sacrifices you make today.

Mothers, today we remember you and we celebrate you. Thank you for all you’ve done. We love you and we appreciate your dedication and service! I’m praying for you today!

“Be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless” (I Corinthians 15:58 NLT).

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