Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

God Will Pay You Back

We’ve all had unfortunate things happen to us. Someone takes advantage of us. Someone steals our just rewards. Even a lack of recognition for our hard work can hurt our feelings. We don’t have to be numb to our feelings but if we keep a good attitude when the wrong thing is happening to us, then God will pay us back in due time.

My 14-year-old son Daniel is in Royal Rangers (the Christian version of Boy Scouts); he’s been enjoying this program for several years now. Once a week, he gets to hang out with a group of boys and do boy things. He has always worked very hard for his merits therefore he is ahead of most kids his age.

Recently they had a graduation ceremony. Daniel was the youngest of the lot to get the Gold Medal Award (GMA). Unfortunately, not all of leaders were in favor of him getting the recognition even though he had met all the requirements. It was a long, drawn out drama and finally they allowed him to receive the honors he had earned. 

Maybe you’ve been done wrong. You worked hard for the commission but the sale went to another person. The house you were hoping to buy was sold under your feet. You may have gone through the training, putting in the extra hours, but you didn’t get the promotion you were praying for. You cleaned the house all day but you weren’t appreciated for it. You may have been betrayed in a relationship or a business partnership. No matter who did you wrong, God will pay you back with double the honor.

This is what happened to my son Daniel. Not only did he get his Gold Medal Award in time, he got to meet with the Mayor of our city (pictured here). His outpost had sent many requests before for previous candidates but this was the first time the city officials decided to recognize Daniel in front of the whole city council. Not only that, it was broadcasted live! Even though a few people were against my son, God honored him in front of higher authorities and a greater audience. God paid him back double for his troubles. In the same way, if you keep your peace and stay in faith, God will pay you back more than what you’ve lost.

People do unpredictable things when they’re hurt, insecure, jealous, or threatened by another person. If you try to defend yourself, God will stand back. But if you take the high road, keep calm, and stay in peace, the Lord will fight the battle for you. I’ve learned that the higher you rise the more critics will come out of the woodworks. But if you stay in faith and trust God instead of taking revenge, He will make things right for you. The world may not be fair but God is!

This is what happened to a man named Mordecai in the Bible (Book of Esther). He was a Jew and once he had saved the king’s life from a certain coup. Unfortunately, nobody remembered his contribution to saving the king’s life. One night, King Ahasuerus couldn’t sleep. He ordered his servants to bring him the book of the records from the library. Of all the thousands of books, they picked the one with Mordecai’s story in it. There it was found that Mordecai had saved the king’s life from an assassination plot. It prompted the king to ask, “What honor or dignity has been bestowed on Mordecai for this?” They said, “Nothing.” Long story short, it was Mordecai who was honored through the city and his enemy Haman was hung in the gallows. We should never wish evil against our enemies. But rest assured, God knows how to make it up to you. He will never allow you to go through a tough situation without honoring you for it.

Friend, no matter who has done your wrong, today it is time for you to give it up to God. He cannot fight for us as long as we take matters into our own hands. But if we trust him with our troubles, He will do what we cannot do. He will not only reward you but He will make sure that he does it in front of your enemies. Our God is a great equalizer. You’re the head and not the tail. You’re only above and not beneath. He will not cause you to shame.

Today, I challenge you to let go and let God. Like my son Daniel, He will honor you in public. Just like Mordecai, He will bring you to remembrance at the right time. Don’t seek revenge on those who have done you harm. If you release those offenses to God, He will make you soar like an eagle. You’ll go to new heights that you’ve never dreamed of before. I love you and I’m praying for you.

“Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours” (Isaiah 61:7 NLT).

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