Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Keep God’s Commandments

God gave the Ten Commandments to His people Israel and now all those who believe in His name. Unlike common thinking, God’s commands are there to protect us and prepare a way for us to live a peaceful, productive and purposeful life.

Living our lives without obeying God’s command is like trying to win a soccer game with volleyball rules. We can have a lot of movements but nothing’s going to help us win the game. Likewise, if we want to be champions in life, we have to play it by God’s rules.

I know people right now who are suffering financially. They are good people but they’re not obeying God’s laws. As Christians, we are commanded to give a tenth of our income to support God’s work and His house. I know well-meaning Christians who have intentions to give back to God. I say this with a smile but a deed is ten times stronger than a promise. If you’re not going to be faithful with the little God gives us, don’t expect Him to give you more. Let’s live by the law of giving and we’ll always have plenty for living.

Some of you are frustrated because you feel your prayers are not going any higher than your ceiling. You pray, fast and even give to charities but still there is no progress in answer to your prayer. I submit this to you humbly but husbands, “Did you know if you don’t honor and respect our spouse your prayers will not be answered?” Don’t get mad at me; listen to what the Bible says, Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers” (1 Peter 3:7 NIV). Treating your spouse with respect and honor is easy. If you can do it for your boss and pastor, you can do it for the person you love!

Friend, we must honor God and obey His command and then we’ll live under His blessings. God’s love is unconditional but His blessings are not. He cut a covenant to bless those who keep His commands. Frequently, when people ask me to pray for their sickness, I ask them, “Do you need to forgive someone?” Most of the time, they say, “Yes.” We say a quick prayer to release that forgiveness and the person is usually healed of any illness. Sometimes, I meet people who are not ready to forgive or let go and it is much harder for them to receive their healing. Jesus was beaten for our sickness and healing but unless we’re willing to forgive others, we cannot fully enjoy the blessing God has for us. Let’s forgive and let it go so God can heal our sick body, mind, spirit and soul!

Another area we can keep God’s command is at home. God commanded us to be faithful to our spouse. He commissioned us to work and provide for our families. We must strive for peace. He teaches us to be Godly leaders at home. He wants us to serve. We are to be men and women of integrity. We have to love our family and our neighbors. We cannot steal, kill or covet what others have. Our hearts and eyes must be free from the lust of the flesh and pride of life. God has given us instructions for every situation in life. Today I’m challenging you to know His commandments but more than that obey His commandments. When we keep His laws, He is obligated (by covenant) to keep His part of the deal. If we obey then God will bless us.

Let me finish with a word of caution. Keeping God’s law is out of our love for Him. We’re not into legalism. But don’t throw the baby with the bath water either. God gave us His commands expecting us to keep them. When we fall, we just get up and ask for His forgiveness and try again. In this life, we’ll never be perfect but our goal should be to obey God’s law in every possible situation because we love Him. We follow God’s instruction because He loved us first and laid His life down for us. Let’s do our best to obey His commandments so we can live in the blessings of God. Amen.

"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success” (Joshua 1:8 NAS).

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