Building People. Spreading Hope.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

You Have a History with God

Yesterday, my friend was distraught. He was in great stress. He felt he’d let himself, his family and God down. He’d made some mistakes but in the midst of his calamity, he’d forgotten all the things he had done right.

When we’re discouraged, we tend to forget all the things that are going right with us. We forget our past accomplishment and things that we’ve done right. We forget that the Bible says that our future will get brighter and brighter. A temporary setback does not define who we are but our history with God does.

We all have areas in our lives to improve. None of us have arrived. You may still have a long way to go but don’t forget to stop and look how far you’ve come. When you look at your past victories, you’ll have faith in God for your coming exploits. Don’t get bogged down with how far you have to go, just keep going and do the best you can. When we take time to approve ourselves, we will fuel our future victories.

The key to your future success is not to be affected by your past failures. Successful people are those who get up one more time, hold on to their faith a little longer and looks at God’s promise one more time. The greatest men of faith in the Bible made glaring mistakes. You have to understand that it’s not your “doing” that attracts God but it’s the humility of our hearts that gets God’s attention.

Like I told my friend, look at all the things you’ve done right. You took care of your family. You spent time with your children. You went to work without complaining (Ok maybe a little bit)! You put up with your micro-manager boss, you volunteered, you prayed, gave your tithes and offerings, helped a neighbor, said kind words to a stranger – the list goes on and on. I’m not suggesting let your good outweigh the bad philosophy. The Bible says, when we humble ourselves and confess our sins God doesn’t remember them anymore. The biggest key on God’s computer is the delete button. Don’t torment yourself one more hour that have happened in the past.

When you’ve fallen short of His grace the best thing you can do is plead guilty, ask for forgiveness and move on. Remind God that you have a history with Him. Thank Him for the times He came through for you in the past. Remind Him about the time He healed your child. Tell Him how you got into your first house. Recall how He delivered you from a legal situation. God loves history. He honors the fact that you’ve been faithful and loyal to Him. The scripture says, come let us reason together – He is inviting us to remind ourselves all the times He came through for us.

I have three children. I consider myself to be a good father. I’m a little biased but my kids are the best in the world! I tell them that every day. They’re close but not as perfect as their dad! They’re growing. At times they make mistakes. No matter how wrong they are one thing they all know, as soon as they ask for forgiveness, they’re clear with me. I don’t bring up their mistakes and they don’t remember what they did wrong. Our Father in heaven is much better than any earthly father. God is not looking for you to make a mistake so He can punish you; He is looking for you to do something right so that He can bless you. Don’t punish yourself. Accept God’s free gift of grace and mercy. Sin no more! Get on with your life and enjoy what God has in store for you. Don’t look at your flaws look at your strengths. Your value has not diminished. You have a history with God.

If you haven’t heard it lately, know that you’re loved and celebrated. Shake off the dust of your past. Rectify your wrongs and move on. You’re bigger than your mistakes! You’re going to go places you’ve not imagined. God is not only with you, He is for you. I believe in you! God believes in you. Now you must believe in yourself. I know you will.

“Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me” (Psalm 27:10 NIV).

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