Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Consider the BIG Picture

Today, I sat through a presentation by the DFW Airport Authority. For the most part it was boring and tidbits of information I didn’t need. But there were some parts that caught my attention. I couldn’t help but think how God is like the Airport Authority trying to improve our lives putting us through a lot of “construction projects” we can care less about.

The gentleman giving the presentation was the VP of the DFW Airport and certainly a very skilled and learned man. He had plenty of slides and information how the Airport was going to improve everyone’s life and connect DFW residents to the world and the world to DFW residents. It was building huge infrastructures to improve the lives of millions. Certainly the end results were good. However, the pain of putting up with the inconvenience, tearing down the old and building up the new was inconvenient and uncomfortable. It sounded like God working with our lives – a lot of pain but in the end a world to gain!

Change is never comfortable. Stretching always makes us sore. When God shapes our character, allows us to go through pain, He’s imagining a better picture of you and me. He has a brilliant plan for each and every one of our lives. Through the chaos, uprooting and rebuilding process His ultimate plan is to make us a better version. He wants to build our character, change our habits and present us to the world to serve others better and faster.

When God got hold of Moses, he was a basket case. A Hebrew slave, growing up in the Pharos palace was the beginning after he’d escaped a mass slaughter of children. All hell broke loose once he had the call of God upon his life. Moses had just killed an Egyptian because of injustice. He was on the run. It took God years in the wilderness to “build” Moses where he can change the world. Like the DFW Airport expansion project, Moses had to put up a lot of inconveniences but what a finished project he was! He met God face to face in the burning bush and came down the mountain with the Ten Commandments. Moses the finished project of God is still talked about today!

Friend, you may be going through some upheavals in your life. You may not be able to see the benefit of all the pain and agony you’re facing. Be of good courage. You’re God’s construction project. He’s got a bigger, better and a brighter future in your future. Just like the DFW resident can enjoy the expansion plan of the Airport Authority in a few years, you too can enjoy the fruit of God working in your life. What looks like an utter chaos will turn into a beautiful garden decorated by expensive artifacts. You’re not a victim. You are a victor.

If you put up with the pain now, God is going to bring about your victory later. Start that exercise program. Open a savings account. Put up with your spouse a little kinder. Pour into your kids a little more. Go the extra mile for your boss. Forgive anyway. Be good to people for no reason. Think outside the box where nobody has gone before. It may be a little uncomfortable right now. Take it on a stride. A highway is coming. Brand name companies are going to flock to you just like they do at the airport. You’re going to be a person of value. Like the Airport Authority you’ll provide countless jobs. You too will provide for many families. You will go from barely getting by to a flourishing finish. God as all the right connections and the right breaks for your life. His projects are always on time so don’t fight it. You’re perfectly on schedule to reopen with a brand new, better and improved version of you.

During this reconstruction period the most important thing you can have is a good attitude. You can do that when you look at what’s coming and not focus on the pain you’re enduring now. The present suffering is just an indication of the future glory God is preparing for you. Don’t question everything hard in your life. Just thank the Lord for the blessings you have and trust Him for the finish that’s coming. You’re going to come out better than gold. Like an Airport, you’ll go on to touch many lives. You’re God’s construction project. Consider the BIG picture. Great improvements are coming your way.

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