Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to Discover Your Purpose

“Why are we here?” I meet good people in their 50’s and 60’s and they still do not know why they were born. They cannot identify their purpose. Nobody encouraged them to figure it out. They spent their whole life working but now they’re searching for their passion.

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” People are often reluctant to discover their purpose because they’re afraid. They’re scared because they think they’ll fail.

Just the other day I met with a young friend in his late twenties. I wanted to help him find his purpose in life. He is a very hard working and vibrant young man. He wants to please God with his life. Today I want to share with you what I told my friend.

The first step of discovering God’s purpose is to ask yourself, “Does it line up with God’s Word?” Therefore, robbing a bank to get rich is out of the question. No matter how much the money, fame and glory, God will never lead you to compromise the values in His Word. It doesn’t matter what you think or anybody else think what matters is what God has purposed for your life. When you God’s will; you’ll prosper!

If you want to discover God’s will or your life, you have to research your natural talents. God will never call you to do something He has not equipped you with. God placed certain gifts and talents to fulfill your purpose. Like digging for gold, it is your job to discover your talent and turn them into treasures.

In our culture, we are often motivated by money more than our talents. What people don’t realize is if you follow your talent, money will follow you. Moreover you don’t have to throw away your life working at a mundane job and complain how much you hate your job! Your extra-ordinary gifts and talents will draw extra-ordinary treasures into your life. Passion cannot be bought with money. If you follow your passion, you may not be the richest man around the block but you’ll be the happiest and most fulfilled person. Discover your purpose and provisions will find you.

One of the best ways to discover your natural talent is to make a list of top ten things you enjoy doing. Then start to prioritize them. You can be almost certain that your life has something to do with the top three or five items on your list. I’m not talking about your hobbies, I’m talking about things you love to do even if you never get paid or recognition for it. If you’re older and wiser, sometimes it can be something you’ve never done before. It’s never too late to find and live your passion!

Passion is visible. Sometimes, we’re legends in our own minds. Everybody else but you can see you’re not the next Frank Sinatra. A healthy way to find your passion is to ask others what they see in you. People who are close to you know you the best. Others will see what God put in you. Sometimes, they can give you unbiased perspective. Most of the time, they will confirm the things that you already know. Asking those who you know will bring reality check into your purpose. Wisest king Solomon said, “In the multitude of counselors there is safety.”

Last but not the least God will speak to YOU louder about your future than any other person in the world. Your destiny is not dependent on other people’s opinion of you. Your parents, teachers, family, friends and loved ones may give you guidance and input but only you are responsible for your own life. It’s never too late to discover the champion in you. Do not be influenced by your past experience. You must ask and trust God to bring in the resources you need. You’ve got what it takes. He’s got to whole world in His Hands and He’s got you. Will you dare to discover God’s purpose for your life? He’s ready to reveal it to you more than you’d want to know!

“Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you” (Job 22:21 ESV).

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