It is the perfect time of year to evaluate our lives in the light of eternity. In the midst of New Year's resolutions and such, it is good to look at our spiritual goals. Through your partnership last year, we were able to reach over 80,000 people. This year, our goal is to double our efforts.
The crying, sighing and dying humanity on the mission field is the heartbeat of Jesus. His last command to us was, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15). Therefore, as individuals and as the Church, we must put missions on the forefront of our agenda. We must embrace world missions as our top priority.
Dauth is one of our Native Missionaries working high in the Himalayas where most people have never heard the name of Jesus. Last week over 14,000 people gathered to hear him sing and share about the Lord. There is a tremendous hunger in the hearts of people in idol worshiping nations in Asia. Your partnership is helping Gospel workers like Dauth to proclaim the Gospel to the multitudes.
This year, will you prayerfully consider partnering with a national worker? In India, China, Burma, they are beaten daily and faced with imprisonment and even death. But they persevere to win souls for Christ.
Twenty-five workers need immediate sponsorship. It costs only $120-$250 per month to keep an evangelist on the job. A partial sponsorship is available for only $1 a day - a fraction of the cost of a Starbucks coffee! In return, imagine the souls that will be credited to your heavenly account! That is true wealth which will not corrupt.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship, prayers and support. We are praying daily for you and your family. The Lord sees your sacrifice and He will openly reward you.
Partner with Us and Save Lives:
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