Dauth came to our Mission Training Center as a teenager. He was naive and immature but he had a great quality. He was excited about life and willing to cease every opportunity that came along his way. When he graduated from our short training, we sent him to plant a church in a nearby village. We teamed him up with another young man about the same age as Dauth. Unfortunately, while Dauth greatly succeeded in connecting with people, inviting them to their newly started fellowship, his partner didn't have much excitement or initiative at all. He was often discouraged, dissatisfied, always looking for something else to perform. Needless to say, Dauth's church planting partner left the village and ministry before a church could be established there.
Dauth persisted. He was faithful. He reached out to the people, inviting them and praying for them when they came to his little church. When he had time off, Dauth developed his gifts and talents. Long story short, today, Dauth is a respected worship leader in the country and he is well known by the population appearing in secular TV and radio stations on numerous occasion. He is a sought after artist both in the Christian an secular world.
This is what happens to a lot of us. Instead of looking at what we have, the gifts and talents God has already given us, we focus on things that we don't have. We wish for what others have and remain in obscure darkness. But if we are to excel in life, we must learn to recognize the gifts God has given us and start putting them to practice.
I've often wondered about the difference between Dauth and his fellow church planter. What caused Dauth to come up on top and his friend, washed up in life? I believe the key to Dauth's success was - he used what God put in his hands with the best of his ability. As Dauth remained faithful to do what he could, God did for Dauth what he couldn't.
The scripture says, Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. Zac. 4:10. Friend, God doesn't want us to merely sit around dreaming about things we can do and be. That's a good starting point but we must go beyond that. God wants us to turn our dreams into action. We all have gifts and talents, and the way to develop our potential is by stepping out in faith and making the most of every opportunity.
Do not be disheartened by what you do not have. Rather, take inventory of what you do have and get busy using those gifts. God has blessed you with a sharp mind, clear vision, two hands and feet - network of people you can interact with. Use what you've got. Don't take anything for granted. If you start using what you've got long enough, your breakthrough will come and you will eat the fruit of it.
Don't wait for higher revelation. Live the ones you have. Don't wait for a people connection for you to prosper, use the connections you have to help others. Don't stand in another prayer line for your healing. Go find someone else to pray for. As you do these things - what God has placed in your hands - you'll be amazed to see God bringing you the things you need.
Be encouraged today. You have what it takes. You may not have everything you want, but if you start making the most of what you have, God will give you more. Every dream God placed upon your heart will come to pass. God is working behind the scene right now to create the miracle you need. He loves you and He cares about you. Now get busy being a blessing to someone else and your light will spring forth in this New Year!
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