Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to Create Your Miracle

If you’re like me, you have a hundred things on your mind to accomplish in life – someday!  We all know people who are about to start a business, they’re going to open a savings account, planning to spend more time with their family.  But in most cases, these dreams get pushed aside for a more opportune time – someday!
The secret to success is to tackle a big goal in “bite size pieces.”  In other words, take a baby step.  Then take the next step, followed by another. God said,  Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land. Exodus 23:30. “Little by little” is how God told Israelites to capture a giant territory.  When we focus on our daily, weekly and short-term goal, in the process of time, we’ll be able to achieve the big goal.
For example, if you want to save a ton of money, start putting away $10 today.  If you’re planning to lose 50 lbs. in weight, start walking the neighborhood with a goal of loosing just one pound a month.  If you want to overcome a bad habit, start by reducing one cigarette a day. We all want an instant miracle. But until that happens, baby steps is what's going to get us there! When people ask me, "How I can support your ministry?" I tell them, "Don’t wait until you have $500 extra cash in hand, start by sending $30 a month."
Friend, whatever you want to achieve in life, start by taking a baby step today.  Do not wait for better conditions.  In most cases, the situation will not be much better next week or a month from now. But if you take the baby step today, followed by another and then another, you’ll be that much closer to achieving your big goal.  By next year, you’ll be amazed what miracle you’ve created for yourself. 
There's a story in the Bible (2 Kings 7) where four lepers were sitting at the entrance of the city gates. Inside the city there was a famine and outside they're threatened by their enemies. The lepers didn't know what to do. But they had enough sense to realize that if they sat there, they're going to die.
Finally, after a long debate, they decided to walk toward the enemy camp and take their chances. They didn't make a big announcement or a New Year's resolution. They simply decided to get up and take a step toward their goal to survive. Amazingly, as they took their first, second and third steps, God caused their enemies to hear thunderous footsteps of a great army marching toward them. The enemies scattered and the lepers exploited the spoil and saved a whole city. Notice, God caused the enemies to hear the footsteps of a great army only after the lepers took a step in faith toward their goal.
Is your miracle waiting for you to take your first step toward your goal?
Let me share sevens simple steps you can take to achieve your miracle:
1. Set goals.  Set long term goals then divide it in to daily goals.
2. Make your goals public. Create accountability. Talk about it – a lot.
3. Be consistent to achieve your daily small goals. Success breeds success.
4. Evaluate your goal weekly. What’s working; what’s not? Take appropriate measure to make adjustments.
5. Reward yourself with something small (not ice-cream if you’re planning to lose weight) when you have a small victory.
6. Silence the voice of condemnation and start over when you fail.
7. Accept the fact that it will take some time.
Friend, God is with you. He is for you. If you take a baby step toward your goal, He will reward you openly. Others will look at you and call it a miracle. Remember, a journey of a thousand mile begins with a single step.
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