Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bearing Spiritual Fruit

The quality of a good tree is the fruit it bears. God compares His people with fruit trees that should bear much fruit. The truth is that all of us are producing fruit but not all of our fruits are wholesome.

Just like a healthy tree produces healthy fruits, a mature Christian is supposed to produce spiritual fruits. In Luke 6:43-45 Jesus said, “A tree is identified by its fruit.” As believers, we may be breathing but we’re not really living if we’re not producing spiritual fruits.

In America, too many of us are closest Christians. When everybody is coming out of their closet with something immoral, we’re hiding! What’s up with that? We’ve become so politically correct, and “tolerant” of others, that we’ve surrendered and neglected to defend our own faith. Today, let’s talk about bearing spiritual fruits.

First, let’s bear fruits at home. Our home is the most fertile ground for bearing good fruit. Not only are we surrounded by loving people who are cheering us on, but home is also an environment where fruit is produced organically. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, we’re nurturing an environment to produce good fruit. Galatians 5:33-23 lists nine fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. One way we can judge our spiritual maturity is to evaluate ourselves against the Word of God. Are we operating in love? Do we have joy in our hearts and on our faces?  Are we patient and kind with our spouse and children? If we’re not producing fruit in the loving environment at home, it will be difficult to produce fruit elsewhere.

Next, we need to bear fruits at work. We spend almost half of our waking hours in the marketplace. We get up early and work late to bring home a paycheck and it is very commendable. However, if we are not producing spiritual fruit at work, we’re suppressing our saltiness. When was the last time you shared Christ at work? We’ve bought into the lie that we cannot bring our faith to work. We also believed the lie that in order to share Christ, we have to hit people on the head with the Bible or shoot scriptures out like a machine gun. We’ve created prayer rooms for others but abandoned prayer ourselves. We don’t have to be hostile or obnoxious to share our faith at work. However, if we don’t stand for our faith, we’re going to fall for anything.

Third, we must bear fruits in our community. Jesus said, “Occupy until I come.” I heard of a church in California where they’re sharing Christ with the dancers in the night club. They have eradicated cancer within a certain radius of their church. They’re influencing their community. However, the Church at large has no initiative in the community. We’ve believed a lie that we can only bear fruits within the walls of the church. Every week, we’re summoned to exalt the pastor and we’re beautifying the building instead of glorifying Jesus and helping the hurting, sighing, and dying. Let’s be involved in the chamber of commerce, mother’s clubs, little leagues, major leagues, arts, entertainment, network groups etc. If you’re a pastor, don’t just preach from the pulpit, go and serve in your neighborhood through the week and they’ll follow you to your church on weekends.  

Lastly, bear fruits in world missions. Jesus always had the world in mind. Every believer should impact the world. If we don’t have world perspective, we’re thinking too small. One reason we’re seeing such a drastic surge in terrorism is because we’ve stopped proclaiming the Gospel to the world. In the absence of the Good News, bad news prevails. Build International Ministries ( and many others are taking Jesus to the world. There are people like you who are impacting the world by partnering with us. Pray, go, give, and bear fruit in world missions. 

Friend, let us be intentional about bearing spiritual fruits. Our lives are like vapor. We’re here for a very short time but we can outlive ourselves by bearing spiritual fruits. When we bear fruits, our descendants will continue the legacy of our faith. Are we going to exercise our faith on which this country was founded on? Or are we going to be overrun by others because we’re too timid to live out our faith at home, work, in our communities, and the world? What kind of fruit we produce will determine what kind of world our children will live in. Let us bear spiritual fruit!

Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV).

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