Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Adversaries are there to Advance You

I know it doesn’t sound very comforting but how we look at our adversity will determine how long we remain in our pit. In life, everyone has a fair share of troubles we have to deal with. The faster we learn to magnify God in our adversity the sooner we’ll dig a hole out of our problems.

Have you ever wondered how every miracle begins with an adversity? Unless we face a problem we’re not going to see God’s deliverance. None of us wants to volunteer for pain and hardship yet it comes. This may sound strange but adversities are there to promote us.

I like to think of adversity as a test. In school or college the teacher spends endless hours trying to prepare us for the final test. He/she speaks, threatens and executes every means available to motivate us and get us to the point of our test. But on the day of test, the teacher stands by without saying a word. It’s time for the students to take the test and pass the exam. The teacher is still in the room, he/she has not left the student but he’s quite. In the same way, during our crisis, God may feel like a million mile away. However, make no mistake God is right there with you. Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Paul and Silas have been preaching the Gospel when the Roman soldiers beat them with rods, arrested them, and threw them in prison. I love the attitude of Paul and Silas sitting in the Roman dungeon. The Scripture says in the midnight hour Paul and Silas began to pray and sing praises unto God. Wait a minute. Didn’t they just get beat up and their body torn into pieces? Weren’t their feet fastened in the stocks? They’re praying? They’re singing? Yes, Paul and Silas had the right perspective in their adversaries. They magnified God in a place of a temporary discomfort.

We must do the same thing in our adversity. You have to realize that adversaries are there to advance you. Remember a kite rises with the wind blowing against it. You too, will rise above your circumstances if you keep a right attitude. You may be facing a midnight situation in your life but don’t lose your song. When you keep an attitude of gratitude, God will send angels to deliver you. The Bible says suddenly there was a great earthquake and the prisoners were free from their chains. Shortly thereafter, the prison warden fell down trembling before Paul and Silas asking, “Sirs what must I do to be saved?”

Friend, today I want to remind you that your adversaries are temporary. If you keep your song, God will shake up things and release you from the shackles of bondage. Not only you will be free from your adversity but like the warden, others will come to the Lord through your testimony. You may feel lonely during your test, but God is standing right next to you.

Remember this – nothing happens to you; everything happens for you. Keep a positive attitude. Keep praying, don’t lose your praise. Magnify your God and not the problem. Put others ahead of your own needs. An earthquake is coming. God is about to set you free. Listen to what the Word of God has to say.

“Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner” (I Peter 4:12-13 The Message).

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