Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Develop Winning Habits

Researchers say 90% of our lives run on auto-pilot. A habit is simply an action done repetitiously without a conscience effort. John Dryden, the famous English poet once said, “First we make our habits. Then our habits make us.”

Developing new habits are like sending a spaceship into the space. Colossal firepower and energy of the rocket is needed to get the ship off the ground. Once in orbit, it continues on its own. Our good habits are formed in similar way.

So how do we go from bad habits to forming new ones? Identify your bad habit (anger, overeating, frivolous spending, and negative thinking and so on) and replace it with good. Focus on one habit at a time giving at least thirty days to change. Don’t be discouraged if you fail in the middle. That is part of the process. Don’t give into condemnation. Get up and keep going again. Changing a bad habit is as easy as ABC…

A. ASK God to help you change. You can expedite your transformation if you invite God to work with you. Find scriptures to support your case and meditate on them.

B. BELIEVE in yourself. You CAN change! No matter how long it has been, if you set your mind to it, you can do anything. Once you make a mental shift and attitude adjustment, you will be amazed how easy it is to develop good habits.

C. CREATE accountability by sharing with your close friends. When you tell others about your effort to change they will keep you on track and encourage you for your efforts. If you’re hitting it more than you’re missing it – you’re well on your way.

One reason Jesus came to the world was to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8 NLT). I believe and declare that 2013 will be the year you’ll break bondages and live the abundant life God has for you. I believe in you!

Change the world with the message of Hope:

Stay inspired: 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Don’t Respond to Everything

Recently my friend was distraught over some comment that his friend made toward him. My friend did not know how to respond. This happens to too many of us and like my friend we are dumbfounded. How do we handle a difficult comment?

I have found that not every comment needs to be addressed. When you hear a hurtful or a loaded statement, try not to take it too personal. Do not start chewing on it for your comeback response. People often say things in the heat of their emotions. When we have the maturity to refrain from comments it automatically dies for lack of “oxygen.”

This is what happened to King David in the Bible. God’s people were taunted by Goliath. When David came to the battleground his own brother Eliab made fun of him. It was very tempting for David to defend himself and give Eliab a piece of his mind. Instead, the Bible says, “He [David] turned away from him [Eliab]” (1 Samuel 17:30 ASV). You see, David knew what to ignore. He knew engaging in a fight with Eliab would bring him no spoil but engaging with the real enemy - Goliath would free him from taxes and reward him with the king’s daughter in marriage. David turned away, did not respond to his critic, went on to win the battle and collect his spoil.

Today, I want to challenge you not to respond to everything negative that you hear. Stay on the hunt for the real spoil. Fight the real enemy and not your family, friends and co-workers. When you turn away, like David, you too will take the spoil.

Change the world with the message of Hope:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Have an Abundance Mindset

I grew up in India surrounded by utter poverty. Everyone I knew was living just to survive another day. When I became a follower of Christ, I heard money was evil and we must shun from it. You can imagine my distorted view of financial prosperity!

Fortunately, I learnt the Biblical view on money. Money is a neutral tool. We can use it to bless our families and advance God’s Kingdom on earth or misuse it and destroy God’s purpose for our lives. One thing I know for sure, you cannot have a poverty mindset and experience God’s abundance. You may be in dire poverty right now but never let poverty get in you. You must believe money is a good thing.

God wants you to prosper so that you can be a blessing to others. In our world system, money is power and influence. Jesus said, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32 NKJV). Do you really think God has a problem when you ask Him for your needs to be met? Do you think God has a problem if you ask for a few thousands extra every month so that you can help someone else? The answer is a resounding no. God wants to give to you so that He can get it through you.

Why don’t you raise the bar and start praying, asking, working hard and expecting God to make you wealthy so that you can become a blessing to the world? Have an abundance mindset!

Change the world with the message of Hope:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Be Generous with Your Compliments

Compliments are like glue to a relationship. It is one of the most basic human needs. Everyone wants to be recognized, appreciated and complimented for their efforts no matter how big or small they are.

In the work environment, compliment your employees or associates for the great job on a certain project. When we compliment people openly, we empower them to rise to the top of their caliber. Learn to give compliment without any strings attached. Resist the urge to mix criticism with compliments. People perform better when we show our confidence in them through sincere praise.

In the home front, it is easy to overlook the services and sacrifices of our loved ones. Do not make the grave mistake of taking them for granted. Without their understanding, support and sacrifices you would not be where you are. Do they know you appreciate them? Compliment them verbally. Write notes. Give cards, chocolate, roses or do whatever you can to show your appreciation.

One of the most empowering things you can do for yourself is to compliment yourself. This is very hard for performance-minded people. Yes, there is always going to be a better, more efficient way of doing things. But you have got to develop a healthy habit of complimenting yourself. Even God congratulated Himself after creation and said, “It was good.”

Compliment others without flattery and your life will be like a blooming garden of flowers!

Change the world with the message of Hope:

Friday, January 25, 2013

Stir Up the Gifts

Life has a way of draining us. If we’re not charging ourselves constantly, we will begin to deplete and become ineffective.

This is what happened to the children of Israelite. They were super excited about the possibility of being free and enter the Promised Land. It was only days’ journey to inherit their promise. But somewhere along the way they got weary, tired and lost their focus on the goal. They began to complain and murmur and the short distance turned into forty years!

We too are subject to such onslaught of the enemy. We have to stay on guard about apathy and Luke warmness to creep in. No matter what is happening in your mind or what you see in the natural, don’t let discouragement eat your day. Business maybe slow but say to yourself, “Today is a day everything is going to turn around.” Your health may not be quite up per but say to yourself, “By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed.” Finances maybe tight and bills maybe pending but say to yourself, “My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches.”

Paul knew young Timothy started off great but a more challenging days will be ahead of him. “I am reminding you to fan into flames the gift of God that is within you” (2 Timothy 1:6 ISV). I am not Paul, but I’m reminding you to awaken the giant that is within you. I’m praying for you today!

Spread the message of Hope with us:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Don’t Neglect Your Family

At the end of the day, regardless of our success in carrier or business, our family is all we will have left. They are the highest contributors to our success but sometimes least appreciated people in our world. Let’s not take our family for granted.

One of the best ways we can show our appreciation to our family members is through our praise. Remember, people do more of what you brag about and less of what you nag about. Lavish your praise for your family. Thank, appreciate and encourage them both in private and in public – daily, several times a day.

Another way you can add value to your family is to offer your act of services in the home front. Men, it’s not enough to be the breadwinner of our family. We’re also to provide security, emotional support and practical help around the house. Ladies, your man needs your admiration and appreciation. Tell him how proud and confident you are of his abilities and sacrifices. If you want A+ kids like mine, catch them doing something good. Praise them and correct them. Never allow rebellion to take root. You’re the boss; you make the adult decisions. Children need boundaries. They will bring you immense joy! You’re to enjoy them not endure them.

Last but not the least, overlook a few faults. Listen, don’t sabotage 80% good in your relationship in exchange for 20%. None of us are perfect. Instead of harping on their faults, just pick up the dirty sock or help your wife find that car key that’s always missing. You can turn your home into a battlefield or you can choose to cover for your loved ones and make a beautiful harmony of your lives.

Friend, nobody gets to choose their family. No matter what you think, they are a gift from God. Like, enjoy and celebrate your family. When the world sees us loving our family, they will glorify God and want to be part of His family.

Help us spread the message of Hope:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Build Better Relationships

The quality of our lives depends on the quality of relationships we build. The better relationship we have with people the more excellent life we will enjoy on earth. So what can we do to build better relationships?

1. Treat everyone with respect. Best relationships are based on mutual trust and respect. When we treat the other person whom God created equally with respect, we take the first step toward building a strong relationship. When we respect people, we don’t let things fly off the handle. We pause, think and consider the outcome before we act.

2. Invest in others. Jesus said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Good relationships are based on sowing and reaping. What we invest in a relationship is what we get out of it. Everyone wants to be on the receiving end of the Golden Rule but our mindset should be the opposite. Don’t worry about getting back. Just stay focused on giving and you will invariably receive.

3. Give people some room to grow. None of us are perfect. No matter how close a relationship is, there will be opportunity for misunderstanding, hurt and disappointment. Guard against such things to happen. But inevitably when things do get sour, overlook the wrong, forgive and stay committed to the relationship.

The grass may look greener on the other side but remember that you still need to water it. Invest in the relationships God has given you and you will live a more fulfilled life.

Help us spread the message of Hope:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Take Your Limits Off

Great dreams and desires have been robbed because of our limited thinking. God speaks to all of us. We get inspired. We start believing. But somewhere in life’s journey, we lose the faith and excitement that we passionately once had.

We begin to rationalize, “I’ll never be in health again. My business has seen better days. My child has gone too far. My family member will never be saved. I’ll have to work till I die.” If you’ve wrestled with thoughts like these, you’re only a human. But remember, there’s also a divine side to you. There is a God who lives in and through you. Impossible is nothing when you allow God to make your dreams a reality.

Yesterday, I was visiting with a friend. We discussed how much business he wanted to do in 2013. Our first session was to maintain the production of last year. As we discussed, faith arose. We were able to double our expectation and then some more for this year. We agreed and sealed it in prayer. I know my friend will achieve what we have agreed upon because his heart is tied to world missions – something that is near and dearest to God’s heart.

Scripture says, “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4 NIV). Instead of fear and doubt, why don’t you take the limits off of yourself and begin to meditate on faith and God-fidence? Here’s the key, don’t try to figure out how it will happen. Just trust God by faith to bring it to pass. Give your faith a facelift. Expect more from God; commit to do more for God’s Kingdom. Take your limits off. I’m praying for you!

Help us spread the message of Hope:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

God Has a Need

Our human nature is to think about God when we are in trouble or in need of some favor. God is so big hearted that He doesn’t mind us remembering Him only in time of our needs. But in the heart of hearts, God wants us to acknowledge Him at all times.

Our God is so big and strong that He can do anything. He created the universe. He created you and me. He holds our future in His hands. In spite of being so big and powerful, there is one thing God cannot do. He cannot force us to love and worship Him. He has left us to our freewill to choose that.

This is why it is so important for us to recognize that God needs us. He is Almighty but He cannot buy love. Only we can give Him our love, devotion and commitment to follow Him. Today, I’m challenging you to worship God for who He is and not for what He can do for you. Do not only seek His hands but instead let’s seek His face.

This is hard for our finite mind to understand but like Adam, God wants to fellowship with us. He wants your attention, recognition and your loyalty. When we give Him our freewill worship, God will move heaven and earth to assist us. The more we worship, the less we will have to worry! Let’s worship God today and every day of our lives.

Help us spread the message of Hope:

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Living a Life of Significance

Whether we want to think about it or not, our lives are racing toward eternity. We cannot take anything with us but what we leave behind in people will live on after us.

This is why it is so important for every Christian to be involved in world missions. Statistic shows less than ten percent of believers in America will ever lead a person to Christ. Yet there’s a world-wide revival taking place right now. What can we do to make a global and eternal impact?

Partnership! I believe the body of Christ world-wide needs to work in partnership to proclaim the message of forgiveness, hope and deliverance. This year our goal is to reach 300,000 people with the Gospel. Most of them have never heard the name of Jesus – once!

The Bible says, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed” (Romans 10:14 NKJV)? I encourage you to share your time, talent and treasure to touch our world for Jesus. When you partner with a native missionary, they become your personal soul winner. This is an investment opportunity from out of this world that you cannot afford to pass out.

Partner with a native missionary today:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Take Care of Your Health

Our health is our greatest asset. If you lose your health, you lose your ability to be productive. Our body, spirit and mind are interconnected. Our body is not only where we live but it is also where God lives. If we don’t feel good, it will affect our spirituality.

A few days ago one of my friends told me, “Brother Sandy, will you please pray for me, I’m drawn to junk food easily.” Of course I prayed for my friend. But I also recommended not storing junk food in the house. When we discipline ourselves in what we eat and drink, we’ll develop new healthy habits. What we eat makes a great difference to how our body feels.

Another area that will greatly affect our health is exercise. We live in a very sedentary society. This is why it is very important to get some form of physical exercise on a regular basis. Don’t compare with others; just do what’s best suitable for you. Be committed and do it consistently.

Sleep not only makes you beautiful but it’s the best way to release stress which is one of the main causes of disease. Sleep is like rebooting your computer. When you wake up, everything works better. You’re not wasting time when you sleep; you’re energizing your battery. Sleep is nature’s way to heal your body.

Here’s a great promise from God’s Word for divine health in 2013: “You shall serve the LORD your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you” (Exodus 23:25 ESV).

Help us spread the message of Hope:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Don’t be Driven by Money.

We live in such materialistic society where everything is measured by our financial net worth. But this is not how God looks at our value. We’ve made money into an idol but money is one of the least common denominators in the Kingdom of God.

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not against having money. But when money has you, we are off balance. Don’t live to make a living instead, live to make a life. If you have good health – you’re rich. If your children are doing well – you’re rich. If you have work and food to put on the table, you’re rich. If you have integrity – you’re rich. If you have Christ in your heart – you’re super rich!

This year, let me challenge you to raise the bar. Don’t just pray, work and believe God for your own needs. Trust God for abundance so you can be a blessing to others. You know a secret? There are not many, who God can trust to become rich. Why don’t you become one? God wants to get to you so He can give through you. Follow God and let the money follow you! Here’s a promise for you, “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV).

Help us spread the message of Hope:

Monday, January 14, 2013

You’re a No-limit Person

World’s greatest opportunities pass us by simply because we don’t believe we’ve got what it takes. Self-limiting thoughts have crippled many geniuses from out of their closet. Yet, it is God’s desire that we discover and unlock the potential He put in us.

Most of us got our self-doubt from people around us. Some were well-meaning people trying to help us. Sometimes our own faults and mistakes can hold us back from going for greatness. But I have good news for you today. You’ve got what it takes. You can do anything if you take corresponding action and ask God to bless your efforts.

For forty plus years, I didn’t know I had a gift for writing. But after all these years, God allowed me to unveil my talent in writing. Then he put me together with other writers to co-author a book. On January 15th Power of Inspiration, Dare to Be the Best You will be available on

Friend, don’t limit yourself or God working in you. Give into to the gentle reminders of the Holy Spirit. God has an amazing future for you to unlock. Believe and pursue the dreams God put in your heart. You’re a no-limit person. I believe in you!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Evaluate Your Spiritual Fitness

This is a good time of the year to take a spiritual fitness test. One way to gauge our spirituality is to figure out how detached we are from material things.

When we’re in love with God, we love His Word. We love to obey and please Him in our daily lives. When we love God, we long to spend time in prayer with Him. When we love God, we love to talk about His love with people, who do not know Him yet. When we love God, we’ll love His people and the work of His Kingdom. When we love God, we take risk and make sacrifices to help the world-wide body of Christ.

If we love our comfortable lifestyle more than we love God, we’re off balance. If we love money more than God, we’re sick spiritually. If our work, popularity and prestige are more important than associating with God’s people, we got our priorities wrong. Now is a good time to tune up our spiritual health.

Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Luke 12:34 NIV). Friend, set your mind on things above. Everything you have, you’ll soon have to leave behind. Heaven is our glorious Hope. Will you be recognized in heaven for the way you lived your life here on earth?

Spread the message of hope and healing:  

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Get Involved in World Missions

Yesterday, I was having dinner with some friends. At one point the wife looked at her husband and said, “Can I tell him?” Then she proceeded to tell me how they do not have to make a certain monthly payment on something that was now paid for. She said, “Brother Sandy, we want to double our commitment to Build International Ministries this year with the money we are saving.” My friends are not rich but they have their priorities in the right place. I know they’ll experience God’s favor in 2013.

God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!” (Luke 4:18-19 Message).

If you want to see God’s power operate in your life like never before, do yourself a favor and get involved in reaching our crying, sighing and dying world. As disciples of Christ every Christian needs to do the following:

1. We must relate to wider body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.
2. We must respond to the suffering of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
3. We must use our resources to reach those who have never heard the Gospel – once!

When we respond to God’s heart for the poor, persecuted and lost humanity, “God will act on our behalf.” He will pay you back for the sacrifices you make.

Get Involved in World Missions:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tell Your Heart to Beat Again

Disappointing things happen to all of us. Loss of health or a loved one, insurmountable debt, troubled relationship or a broken dream can suck the life right out of us. No matter what hand life has dealt you, do not loose heart and passion for life.

As you start this New Year, don’t waste your time focusing on what didn’t work out – what didn’t come to pass. Sure, learn from your past but don’t let it hold your future back. Revive the dreams that God placed on your heart. John Wesley said, “When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn.”

This is the moment you have to forget the old and discover the gold in you. People are eager to see you burn with a passion for life so they can help you. But you have to tell your heart to beat again. You have to believe and say what God says about you. “I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me” (Philippians 4:13 AMP).

Friend, you may have suffered a few setbacks in the past but in reality, they were setups for your 2013 come back! You’ve got what it takes. Tell your heart to beat and live again. Our team and I are praying for you and yours.

Help a hopeless heart to beat again:

Stay inspired:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Associate with the Wise

None of us have it all. There are lack and deficiencies in us that was meant to be filled by others. Successful people draw strength from the success of others. They strategically place people in their lives to catapult them to their next achievement.

For example, if you’re struggling in the area of relationship, identify people who have strong relationships and ask them to mentor you. If you do not have your finances or your health in order, seek out mentors and ask for their help. You will be amazed how willing they are to assist you if you humbly ask them!

You say, “Sandy, I don’t know anybody.” But you do! Start with your phone. It is a goldmine of wealth in your fingertips. Who do you know and admire? Ask them for help! Did you know over one billion questions are asked on Google every day? Read a book or listen to an expert on podcast. But the best is to find mentors whom you can have relationship with and meet face to face.

Scripture says, “He who walks with the wise grows wise” (Proverbs 13:20 NIV). Today, if you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. Friend, let’s make 2013 a great year of success by associating ourselves with wise people.

Mentor someone who needs YOU:

Monday, January 7, 2013

Set Goals and Prosper

Researchers say, ninety percent of New Year’s resolutions fizzle out before the end of January. If that is true, it is not practical for most people. If you have made resolutions, keep moving forward. For others, it’s as easy as 1, 2, and 3.

Step one. Decide what you want. Knowing your destination is half way getting there. Write down specific goals that you want to achieve in 2013. For example you want to earn X dollars more, loose X pounds of weight or win X number or souls. Be specific.

Step two. Declare what you want. You may set the goal but you will need others to achieve your goal. The better you communicate your vision to others the more successful you will be. Let each person involved know what they have to do and what rewards they will have. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Step three. Be determined and stay on track. Accept the fact that there will be challenges. Make up your mind to push through the tough times. When you are resolute, nothing can stand between you and your goal.

Napoleon Hill said, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” God said, “Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do” (Joshua 1:8 NLT).

Set your goals to help world missions in 2013:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Embrace the Father’s Love

People throughout centuries have painted God in various lights. But the most important role God plays in the scriptures is of a loving Father.

Being Almighty, God does not exert His power, wielding His scepter having an indifferent attitude toward mankind. Instead, He is a loving, caring and redemptive God. The Father heart of God beats with compassion and mercy for His own creation. Nothing we do can keep God away from us. His love has no limit.

The character of God is best revealed in the story of the prodigal son. Having spent all he had, the son decides to return to his father’s (picture of God) house. What is God’s first response – a rebuke or a lecture? No. God runs to a sinful man. He embraces him. He clothes him with the best robe, sandal and a ring.

Friend, I’m not suggesting that you live a riotous life. However, I am asking, this year you take time to discover the Father heart of God. The Bible says, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NIV). How much more He loves you now that you’re a saint?

He loves you, unconditionally. He forgives you when you can’t forgive yourself. He heals you of your diseases. He provides for your every need. He embraces you when everyone has left you. He is your Father – embrace Him. Know that I’m praying for you and God is looking after you.

Get engaged in world


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Be a World Person

Deep down in each of our hearts, God has put a desire to be a world person. No matter what we do, there’s an insatiable longing in us to do good for others.

I know people who have been very successful in the carrier or business arena but deep down they are not satisfied. They feel empty inside. Now as time approach the end they want to leave their mark. They want their lives to count.

Today, I want to challenge you to be part of God’s vision for our world. Did you know there are still over 3 billion people who have never heard the name of Jesus? “How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?” (Romans 10:14). Did you know:

99.9% of Christian income is spent on themselves.
0.09% is spent on the evangelized non-Christian world.
0.01% is spent on the unevangelized world.

Build International ministries is spending most of its time, effort, and resources on the 0.01% who do not have a Christian witness in their community through spiritual development, education, providing clean drinking water and much more.

You can make a difference with your time, talent and treasure. Why don’t you take a moment to pray and ask God how you can become a world person in 2013? Your involvement big or small will change lives and eternity forever!

Make an eternal impact:


Friday, January 4, 2013

Seek First the Kingdom of God.

We all know people who are trying to find God’s blessings in their lives. They spend their whole life climbing the corporate ladder, doing business or even serving God but never find the satisfaction in life.

I have discovered a sure way to find God’s blessings in your life. Seek God and the blessings will find you. Jesus said, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33 NLT).

This means, we have to make God priority in our lives. You cannot expect the full favor of a business partner or a client without building a strong relationship. The same is true about our Heavenly Father. He wants to make you a great success but you have to get to know Him well.

Knowing Him also means you have to actively engage in making His name great. Be a witness both with your words and with your life. A chapter of the Gospel is being written every day. What do the world read when they interact with you?

Involve God in every area of your life. When you give God that kind of attention, you can rest assured that He will make it His personal business to make you a success. Seek first the Kingdom and all the material things will be added to you!

Get engaged in building God’s Kingdom:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Change Your World by Changing Your Words

Our words have tremendous power. When we speak positive, faith-filled words, we invite God to work in our situation but when we speak negative words, we do the opposite. This is why it is so important to tame our tongue and only speak words that will give life to our future.

Never speak down on yourself. Do not entertain thoughts and speak things like, “I’m not very talented. I come from an average background. I don’t have what it takes. I’ll never overcome my bad habits.” These types of thoughts and words are loaded with poison that will kill you faster than a snake.

Second, never speak negatively about your family. No matter what your family member has done, never mention it in public. You do not have to hide or defend their wrongs but you do not have to announce it to the world either.

Last but not the least; develop a habit not to speak evil of no one. God did not put us here to find faults in others but to live out our calling in life. Remember, when you speak down on one of God’s children, you invite God’s wrath upon yourself. Instead of speaking negative, bless yourself, your family and your fellowmen.

The Bible says, “The tongue can bring death or life” (Proverbs 18:21 NLT). Imagine the consequences of a moment’s emotional defeat! Stop speaking self-defeating, negative words, instead, “You will decree a thing and it shall be established for you” (Job 22:28). Speak life!

Speak for those who have no voice:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Your Vision is Your Future

As we stand at the threshold of another new year, most of us are filled with new hope, anticipation and excitement. Some of us cannot wait to see what 2013 has to unveil in our lives. Many of us are making New Year’s resolution in hopes of improving ourselves and doing our due diligence. These are perfectly right things to feel and do.

One thing that will stand out is your vision for yourself. The picture you have of yourself is how your life is going to play out. This is why it is so important that we know and have our vision in focus. The scripture says, “Where there isno vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 KJB). In other words, if we do not have a firm vision of ourselves and what we want from life, we are bound to fail. New Year’s resolution may carry you through for a month but a vision from God will take you through life.

You are saying, “Sandy, how do I find the vision for my life?” What is it that makes you burn with desire? What makes you dance when no one is watching? What gives you the innermost satisfaction in life? The answers to these are good indication what God has called you to do. Take some time to think and write them down.

The next thing you can do is to make your vision public. There is a level of accountability when you declare your dreams to people in your world. When you make your vision public, you breathe life into your destiny. Your vision may have come from the Lord but He will use people to make your vision a reality.

Last but not the least, ask for God’s help. Jesus said, “Ask, and you will receive” (Matthew 7:7 God’s Word). If your vision is something you can do for yourself, you’re thinking too small. Enlarge your vision to benefit others. When God is your partner, you can achieve anything in life.

This year, make your life count: