Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Starbucks Coffee or World Missions

It is the perfect time of year to evaluate our lives in the light of eternity. In the midst of New Year's resolutions and such, it is good to look at our spiritual goals. Through your partnership last year, we were able to reach over 80,000 people. This year, our goal is to double our efforts.
The crying, sighing and dying humanity on the mission field is the heartbeat of Jesus. His last command to us was, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15). Therefore, as individuals and as the Church, we must put missions on the forefront of our agenda. We must embrace world missions as our top priority.
Dauth is one of our Native Missionaries working high in the Himalayas where most people have never heard the name of Jesus. Last week over 14,000 people gathered to hear him sing and share about the Lord. There is a tremendous hunger in the hearts of people in idol worshiping nations in Asia. Your partnership is helping Gospel workers like Dauth to proclaim the Gospel to the multitudes.
This year, will you prayerfully consider partnering with a national worker? In India, China, Burma, they are beaten daily and faced with imprisonment and even death. But they persevere to win souls for Christ.
Twenty-five workers need immediate sponsorship. It costs only $120-$250 per month to keep an evangelist on the job. A partial sponsorship is available for only $1 a day - a fraction of the cost of a Starbucks coffee! In return, imagine the souls that will be credited to your heavenly account! That is true wealth which will not corrupt.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship, prayers and support. We are praying daily for you and your family. The Lord sees your sacrifice and He will openly reward you.

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Living Your Dream in 2012

As a new year rolls around, it is easy not to think about growing, stretching and multiplying. After all, recession continues, jobs are hard to find and we struggle to maintain good health. It does not take much to become complacent and stuck in a rut. But God is progressive. He wants us to stretch out and put an expansion plan in place so He can have something to bless.
What I sense in my spirit is 2012 will be an amazing year! God will accelerate things for you this year and what did not happen last year was preparation for this year. Nothing was wasted or lost. If you keep a right attitude, and take the right actions, God has amazing things prepared for you. Shake off the disappointments and listen to what God says, “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I'll make everything right again for my people.” (Amos 9:13-14 Message).
You say, "Sandy, you are just getting my hopes up. This sounds too good to be true.” Yes, I am getting your hopes up. But this will only work for those who believe His Word! Faith is to see before you believe. And if you believe, you will see.
Colin Willard and a group of ten other employees from a technology company in Ottawa, Canada were laid off just before Christmas. Willard had just returned to work after a six-month absence due to back problems. Willard described his discovery of $7 million in the lottery, a day after he was laid off, “I started to shake, vibrate in my seat, and then I had to get out and tell some of the people that were in [on the winning ticket], and no one believed me!"
I do not know the details of the lives of these men nor am I endorsing the lottery. But if I was a winner, I would be ecstatic knowing God always comes through. You may not see now how your miracle will come to pass, but rest assured God will not let you down. King David said, “Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread.” (Psalm 37:25, NLT) If you trust and obey Him, you can face this year confident He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.
Sam Schmid, a twenty-one year old student from Arizona, was involved in a horrible car crash last October leaving him on emergency life support. Due to the complexity of his life-threatening injuries, Schmid had to undergo multiple surgeries. After the doctors came out of surgery, his brain showed no response and they considered taking him off life support. A week later Schmid shocked doctors when he responded by holding up two fingers. A few months later, he began talking and walking again. Schmid says, "I see myself leaving the house, going to school, work, and doing basic things like that again."
This year, God wants to heal your body. It does not matter how long you have been sick; like the crippled man by the pool of Bethesda, God wants to restore your health. Our God is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer. He not only heals our sick bodies, but He will heal marriages, broken relationships, failing businesses or a distant relationship with God.
Friend, raise the level of your expectancy! Put your hope in God. He will honor your faith. You will go from dreaming the dream to living your dream.
Let me proclaim a blessing over your life! In 2012, you will go from dreaming the dream to living your dream. You have prayed, labored, and stood faithful. You have planted and watered the seeds. You have grown and matured in character. You have believed but now you will see. You will go from imagining to experiencing the dreams and desires God put on the inside of you. The wind that was blowing against you will start to blow in your direction. It is the breath of God’s favor, forgiveness and mercy overtaking you. He has put right people in your path who will celebrate and open doors for you. Just when you think this is too good to be true, God will astonish you with another surprise! I proclaim 2012 will be an exceptional year!!!

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Be the Prophet of Your Own Life

Once, when my daughter Sabrina was eight years old she began to complain how hard it was to finish one page of math (90 problems). Normally she’s the most focused of all three of my kids. I put her on my lap and asked her to repeat after me, “Math is easy and it is fun. I can do this in no time.” Immediately she protested, “But it is not!” I reminded her of the scripture, “Let the weak SAY I’m strong.” (Joel 3:10) After a little persuasion, she repeated, “I love math, I can do this in no time. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Long story short, she was able to finish math in record 13 minutes!

Solomon, the wisest man in history wrote, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Prov. 18:21) What we often don’t realize is the choice of our own words has tremendous power. Words are like seeds. When they come out of our mouth we’re giving life to what we’re saying, either good or bad. Every time we use negative words, it’s like watering that seed. And before long it will produce exactly what we’re saying!

I Peter 3:10 says, “He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil.” By the choice of our own words we can make ourselves happy or we can make ourselves miserable. Our words will drag us down or lift us up.

A father and son were taking a hike in the mountain when suddenly the boy slipped and fell 15-20 feet down the cliff. Fortunately he grabbed on to a bush and shouted, “Somebody help me!” The boy was startled when his own voice boomed back, “Somebody help me!” The boy said, “Who are you?” The voice returned, “Who are you?” Annoyed, the boy shouted, “You’re a coward!” The same words shouted back, “You’re a coward!” Just about that time his father got down to his rescue. The boy said, “Dad, what is that voice mocking me?” The father smiled and yelled out, “I’m a winner.” In seconds his voice boomed back, “I’m a winner.” He shouted again, “I’ve got what it takes.” The voice replied, “I’ve got what it takes.” Then he turned to his boy and said, “Son that is called an echo. But it is also called life! Whatever you send out will come back to you!!!”

Friend, let me ask you a question. What words are you sending out today? Did you know it is scientifically proven that the words that will impact you the most are the ones coming out of your own mouth?

Words are a creative force. Jesus said, “Whatsoever you SAY, you shall have.” (Mark 1:23) Let’s choose words out of God’s creative dictionary – the Bible and carve out a brilliant future for ourselves.

Friend, I challenge you to make a daily confession list that is based on God’s Word. If you SAY it long enough and believe it firm in your heart, it will surely come to pass. You can prophesy and create your own dream future.

Words! Words!! Words!!! Your words have creative power! Choose your words carefully today. Tomorrow, you will eat the fruit of it.

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Making the Most of What You Have

Dauth came to our Mission Training Center as a teenager. He was naive and immature but he had a great quality. He was excited about life and willing to cease every opportunity that came along his way. When he graduated from our short training, we sent him to plant a church in a nearby village. We teamed him up with another young man about the same age as Dauth. Unfortunately, while Dauth greatly succeeded in connecting with people, inviting them to their newly started fellowship, his partner didn't have much excitement or initiative at all. He was often discouraged, dissatisfied, always looking for something else to perform. Needless to say, Dauth's church planting partner left the village and ministry before a church could be established there.
Dauth persisted. He was faithful. He reached out to the people, inviting them and praying for them when they came to his little church. When he had time off, Dauth developed his gifts and talents. Long story short, today, Dauth is a respected worship leader in the country and he is well known by the population appearing in secular TV and radio stations on numerous occasion. He is a sought after artist both in the Christian an secular world.
This is what happens to a lot of us. Instead of looking at what we have, the gifts and talents God has already given us, we focus on things that we don't have. We wish for what others have and remain in obscure darkness. But if we are to excel in life, we must learn to recognize the gifts God has given us and start putting them to practice.
I've often wondered about the difference between Dauth and his fellow church planter. What caused Dauth to come up on top and his friend, washed up in life? I believe the key to Dauth's success was - he used what God put in his hands with the best of his ability. As Dauth remained faithful to do what he could, God did for Dauth what he couldn't.
The scripture says, Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin. Zac. 4:10. Friend, God doesn't want us to merely sit around dreaming about things we can do and be. That's a good starting point but we must go beyond that. God wants us to turn our dreams into action. We all have gifts and talents, and the way to develop our potential is by stepping out in faith and making the most of every opportunity.
Do not be disheartened by what you do not have. Rather, take inventory of what you do have and get busy using those gifts. God has blessed you with a sharp mind, clear vision, two hands and feet - network of people you can interact with. Use what you've got. Don't take anything for granted. If you start using what you've got long enough, your breakthrough will come and you will eat the fruit of it.
Don't wait for higher revelation. Live the ones you have. Don't wait for a people connection for you to prosper, use the connections you have to help others. Don't stand in another prayer line for your healing. Go find someone else to pray for. As you do these things - what God has placed in your hands - you'll be amazed to see God bringing you the things you need.
Be encouraged today. You have what it takes. You may not have everything you want, but if you start making the most of what you have, God will give you more. Every dream God placed upon your heart will come to pass. God is working behind the scene right now to create the miracle you need. He loves you and He cares about you. Now get busy being a blessing to someone else and your light will spring forth in this New Year!

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