Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

God Wants You to Prosper

Most Christians are taught that money and God cannot mix. We’re indoctrinated to believe that somehow poverty is holier than riches. This negative way of thinking has kept people poor more than anything else. When we embrace prosperity (body, soul and spirit), prosperity will come.

Jim came from a very poor and humble background. When he was young, his father lost his job. The family had to live in a camper van in a relative’s yard. They all worked as janitors and security guards at a factory. Jim himself had to work an eight-hour shift after school.

Broke as a joke, it was no laughing matter for Jim to dream big and envision himself making it big in life. He had an unusual talent; Jim could make anyone laugh. In 1985, a broke and depressed Jim drove his old beat-up Toyota up to the Hollywood hills. Sitting there overlooking Los Angeles, he wrote himself a check for $10 million for “acting services rendered.” He post-dated the check five years and put the check in his wallet. The check remained there until it deteriorated but he made it. Jim made millions with his comedy and acting. Today, a Hollywood superstar, Jim Carrey is worth $150 million!

Why do some people prosper and others don’t? One simple answer is vision. Most people are content with a “me and my four and no more” mentality. Others dream dreams – big dreams and work towards them. They realize that life’s not just about them but making an impact on others. Like Jim Carrey, you may be broke right now but if you keep the right vision of prosperity in front of you, one day you too can influence many for God.

Today, change your thinking. See yourself as prosperous. Believe that God wants to prosper you. Everything about God is lavish and expansive. He created the universe, the diamond mines, and the oil fields. He’s not going to be unsettled if you begin to experience abundance. Your desire for wealth is from Him. He knows that you want to help people and bless the world with the Good News of Jesus. It takes great resources to change lives.

Don’t depend on your paycheck or business. Scientists have discovered that our brain is active when we sleep. Your mind is so active during sleep that it can even make new discoveries! How is that possible? That’s God speaking to you in your sleep! Make God the Source of your life. He will give you ideas and inventions. Your stocks will suddenly double. Your roofing business will explode because of a storm coming through your city. Your main competitor will move to another state. A sudden inheritance will come into your hands. You’ll save tens of thousands of dollars through a lower paying mortgage refinancing. A sudden promotion will take you from being the receptionist to CEO of the company! Friend, God has ways to prosper you that you haven’t yet considered. Don’t look to the east, west, north or south for promotion; look up!

In the Bible, Abraham is called to be the father of faith. He believed in God’s promises even when his circumstances looked impossible. He was a hundred years old when the promised son, Isaac, was born. This was a great victory for God. What many people do not know or talk about is that Abraham came from an idol-worshipping family. But when He began to follow the True and Living God, he began to prosper. “The man [Abraham] became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy” (Genesis 26:13 NIV).

It is interesting that many Christians embrace Abraham for his unflinching faith but they don’t want to talk about his wealth. The Bible says in Ephesians 3:14, “So that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith” (ESV). Abraham honored God with his faith and God had no trouble making him one of the richest men of his time. God wants to prosper you!

Today, believe that it is God’s will to promote you. See yourself with great resources and then you’ll have it. Make a list of ways you’re going to give to God’s work when your income doubles, triples, even quadruples. Not even the sky is the limit. It’s our own limited thinking that keeps us in lack. God is all about abundance. Just keep the focus on others instead of yourself. Believe that you’ll make more this year than any other year before. I pray and declare that you’re blessed to be a blessing. You’re strong. You’re creative. You’re full of God’s health and healing. You’re the head and not the tail. You’re above only and not beneath. You’ll lend and not borrow. If you believe and act towards it, you’ll eat the good of the land. I love you and I’m praying for your influence to increase!

“Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 1:2 NAS).

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