Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Everything is About to Change

Where I live in DFW, and in most parts of this country, we’re experiencing spring taking over the gray state of life. What looked dead for months is suddenly coming back in full color. Trees are blossoming and wild Texas bluebonnets are everywhere.

What happens in the natural is often a symbol of what God is doing in the spiritual. For many of us, we’ve lived in a long dormant season of financial drought, sickness, loneliness, lack, and despair. Things may have looked dead for a long time but today God is saying, “Spring is coming back! I’m going to color your life beautifully, like you’ve never experienced.” Friend, your world is going to be filled with laughter, joy, peace, health, and wealth again. Everything is about to change!

This is what happened to a man named Hezekiah in the Old Testament. He had been sick to death. They didn’t have modern medicine or a cure for what may have been considered shingles today. Hezekiah didn’t know what to do so he called for a prophet to predict his future. Prophet Isaiah said, “Set your house in order. You will die.” This is not the verdict Hezekiah was waiting for. Amazingly, he didn’t get discouraged and accept defeat.

When you’re going through a rough patch, don’t accept the doctor’s report as the final decision. Don’t give into what the “experts” in the financial industry are saying. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Give them due respect but ultimately, do like Hezekiah did. The Bible says that he turned his face to the wall and began to remind God of all the good things he had done. Do not mistake this for earning God’s favor with good works, but when we remind God of our devotion, honesty, integrity and faithfulness to Him, it gets His attention. You’ve taken your family to church. You’ve financed the work of God. You have blessed your enemies. You’ve kept the peace at home and at work. Listen, ALL of that counts! NOTHING you do for God will be unrewarded.

Friend, God’s mercy is unfathomable. We cannot comprehend God’s goodwill towards us. He will change His mind if He has to in order to give us the good life we desire. What can separate us from the love of God? Nothing! Hezekiah reminded God of his good deeds and would you believe it, before prophet Isaiah could even get out of the building, God told him to turn around and tell Hezekiah that God had changed his mind! God added fifteen more years to Hezekiah’s life!

You may not understand what’s happening to you right now. But trust in Him. God will use your obstacles as your stepping stones. He will take your problems and propel you to the next level. The winds are shifting. The tide of God’s favor is rising. You’re going to get unstuck and sail the great ocean to do business is deep waters. Get a vision for what your life could be. Let it sink deep down in your spirit. God is not limited by anything. His dreams for you are bigger than your own. Right now God is putting things in place to give you an amazing future!

When Hezekiah heard the good news, he took off his grave clothes and put on his praise suit. He thanked God for the new season of increase coming into his life. He may not have felt any different but he knew everything was going to be alright. God had made an adjustment. The wind of favor was blowing in his direction.

The same is happening for you my friend. When you honor God with your life, He will honor you. Let me speak a blessing over you today. A new season of increase is about to break forth in your life. Your days of trials, lack, and hardship are coming to an end. Your enemies will be scattered and your victory will be sweet. You will overcome sickness and the bad habits that have cast a shadow in your life. You will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord. You will find your dream job and your days of loneliness are over. Laughter, increase, and influence will find you.  Now, would you give God some praise? Everything is about to change!

“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness” (Psalm 30:11 ESV).

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