Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Living Your Dream in 2012

As a new year rolls around, it is easy not to think about growing, stretching and multiplying. After all, recession continues, jobs are hard to find and we struggle to maintain good health. It does not take much to become complacent and stuck in a rut. But God is progressive. He wants us to stretch out and put an expansion plan in place so He can have something to bless.
What I sense in my spirit is 2012 will be an amazing year! God will accelerate things for you this year and what did not happen last year was preparation for this year. Nothing was wasted or lost. If you keep a right attitude, and take the right actions, God has amazing things prepared for you. Shake off the disappointments and listen to what God says, “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I'll make everything right again for my people.” (Amos 9:13-14 Message).
You say, "Sandy, you are just getting my hopes up. This sounds too good to be true.” Yes, I am getting your hopes up. But this will only work for those who believe His Word! Faith is to see before you believe. And if you believe, you will see.
Colin Willard and a group of ten other employees from a technology company in Ottawa, Canada were laid off just before Christmas. Willard had just returned to work after a six-month absence due to back problems. Willard described his discovery of $7 million in the lottery, a day after he was laid off, “I started to shake, vibrate in my seat, and then I had to get out and tell some of the people that were in [on the winning ticket], and no one believed me!"
I do not know the details of the lives of these men nor am I endorsing the lottery. But if I was a winner, I would be ecstatic knowing God always comes through. You may not see now how your miracle will come to pass, but rest assured God will not let you down. King David said, “Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread.” (Psalm 37:25, NLT) If you trust and obey Him, you can face this year confident He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.
Sam Schmid, a twenty-one year old student from Arizona, was involved in a horrible car crash last October leaving him on emergency life support. Due to the complexity of his life-threatening injuries, Schmid had to undergo multiple surgeries. After the doctors came out of surgery, his brain showed no response and they considered taking him off life support. A week later Schmid shocked doctors when he responded by holding up two fingers. A few months later, he began talking and walking again. Schmid says, "I see myself leaving the house, going to school, work, and doing basic things like that again."
This year, God wants to heal your body. It does not matter how long you have been sick; like the crippled man by the pool of Bethesda, God wants to restore your health. Our God is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer. He not only heals our sick bodies, but He will heal marriages, broken relationships, failing businesses or a distant relationship with God.
Friend, raise the level of your expectancy! Put your hope in God. He will honor your faith. You will go from dreaming the dream to living your dream.
Let me proclaim a blessing over your life! In 2012, you will go from dreaming the dream to living your dream. You have prayed, labored, and stood faithful. You have planted and watered the seeds. You have grown and matured in character. You have believed but now you will see. You will go from imagining to experiencing the dreams and desires God put on the inside of you. The wind that was blowing against you will start to blow in your direction. It is the breath of God’s favor, forgiveness and mercy overtaking you. He has put right people in your path who will celebrate and open doors for you. Just when you think this is too good to be true, God will astonish you with another surprise! I proclaim 2012 will be an exceptional year!!!

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