Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Why Go to Church

In the West it is cultural to go to church. This is a good habit for every Christian. But why we go to church is far more important than merely fulfilling a religious obligation. While any reason is a good reason to be in church, it will serve us best if we go to church with a heart of worship.

Every other Christian activity can be done individually but when we worship Jesus corporately, a special power is released over our lives. Many flock to church for good teaching, motivational speech, and great concert-like worship services and that’s all good. However, the most important reason God wants us to be in church is so we can worship Him for who He is!

We’re created to worship our Creator. Some of the ways we can show our worship to our Savior is to express our gratitude. Worship is easy. Remember the day of your salvation. Remember the day God healed you and set you free from wrong desires and addictions. Thank Him for your children and family. Express your gratitude for His bountiful provisions. Give Him some praise for protecting you from accidents, plagues, and sudden calamities.

Many Christians are uncertain about how to worship. The posture of our heart is far greater than our physical appearance. Let us take at least as much time preparing our hearts as we do looking good on the outside. God still looks at the heart! He will not turn away a broken and contrite spirit. King David, the greatest worshipper in history, often danced before the Lord with all His might. The Scripture exhorts for us to worship God “lifting holy hands.” Singing and clapping are common expressions of a heart of worship. Many are uncomfortable with being emotional at church but it is completely alright to “let yourself go” in the presence of the Almighty. A church is not a place to showcase perfect people; it’s a hospital where broken hearts are mended by God. If you’re uncomfortable looking at others getting emotional in church, you’re looking in the wrong place. Let’s focus on Jesus -- the object of our worship. Don’t worry about what anybody else is doing. Worship for the audience of One!

Much emphasis has been given to tithes and offerings in the church. While you cannot love God without giving, don’t do anything out of religious obligation or membership “rules.” Why we give is far more important than what we put into the offering plate. You have heard about giving 10% of your income to God. May I challenge you to a greater blessing? God doesn’t want a percentage of your life. He wants your whole heart. Friend, surrender your whole life to God and you’ll be amazed by how easy it will be to give. Make Jesus your greatest Treasure. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

It is sad to say but many people treat church as a social club. While it is healthy for believers to fellowship with one another, church should not be a place for us to grow our business connections. It may happen organically and that’s alright but don’t go to church with the intent to scout for customers. Seek God and customers will find you! The only reason we should go to church is to worship our Lord and learn the Word to bring others to Christ. The intent of our heart is the test of our character. 

Preachers, one of our main responsibilities is to feed our sheep. Men, women, and children in your congregation are looking for answers. Let’s teach them how to be a better husband, how to be a better employee, how to be a better witness for the Lord. Teach them how to live a victorious Christian life Monday to Saturday. Let’s lead our flock to an encounter with God. Don’t try to beat your people to submission. Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” If you lead them to green pastures of God’s love, joy, and peace, they’ll follow you by the droves.

Friend, God is pleased with you. It honors Him to meet you in His House. You are the body of Christ. You don’t have to be in the gathering of others. However, your life will be enriched when you surround yourself with other like-minded believers. If going to church was good for our Lord, there may be something in it for us as well. Let’s put aside the hurt and disappointments of the past. This time around, let’s follow Jesus and not people. Let’s worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. I’m proud of you for taking your family to church. God is smiling down upon you.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name” (Psalm 100:4 NLT).

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