Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Push People Up

Most of us want to be helped. We appreciate when others help us get what we want. None of us can make it alone. It is not selfish to desire the goodwill of others. However, we’re created to help others. It is in our giving, not our receiving, that life becomes fulfilling.

Calvin Coolidge said, “No man was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.” We all know people who are constantly seeking their own. They are me-driven. Sometimes they just can’t help themselves. What they need is a mind-shift. As long as we stay focused on ourselves, we’ll never experience the joy of helping others.

In the early eighties, my two brothers and I were new to the country of Nepal. We had left our motherland to help people in the Himalayas. Nobody knew us and we were a struggling ministry. At this infancy stage, Charles Mendies, lovingly called "Chaldai" (big brother Charles) came to our assistance. He helped us call for a breakfast inviting all the Christian leaders of the country. We introduced ourselves and our purpose and, overwhelmingly, a majority of them accepted us as co-laborers in the ministry. Chaldai even paid for the breakfast in the newly built, three-star, Himalayan Hotel. 

I say this to the glory of God, and to honor Chaldai but what followed over the years is history! My brothers and I went on to minister in over 150 countries touching millions of lives. And we’re still at it. It all started with Chaldai believing in us when we weren’t credible. He had a high reputation but he put it on the line to endorse the Anderson brothers. Not only did he put us on the national stage but he was instrumental in helping to channel the millions of dollars coming into our hands to reach the world with the Gospel.  How grateful we are for Chaldai! We’ll be forever thankful to him and his family for pushing us up.

When you help someone up a mountain, you’ll find yourself close to the summit also. If you want others to improve, let them hear the good things that you think and say about them. People live up, or down, to or down to how we view them and what we say about them. Everybody needs to feel the wind beneath their wings to believe that they can fly. Anyone can find the dirt in people. It takes a genius like Chaldai to dig for the gold in others. What means the most in life is what you’ve done for others. Albert Pike said, “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

This is what happened to David in the Bible. He came from a humble background. When David was anointed to be the next King of Israel, nobody believed in him – not even his own family. Eventually David made it to the palace but King Saul was jealous of him. He spent a significant part of his life trying to exterminate David. Saul would have been successful had Jonathan not been keeping David informed about his father’s plans to kill him. Jonathan was King Saul’s son. He was next in line to become king but he sacrificed his own royalty so that David could become the next king of Israel. Eventually, David went on to become one of the greatest kings of Israel while Jonathan was killed on the battlefield. It may sound unfair but nobody can associate David’s rise to the throne without mentioning Jonathan’s role to put him there. Many of you mothers should take courage from this. You may think all you do is endless diaper changes, clean, cook, and repeat but never forget the big picture. You’re not just raising a child but a husband, wife, leader, preacher, businessman, politician, and a world changer! Your love, tears, and sacrifices are not in vain. Jonathan pushed David up and what history he made!

We all need a Chaldai or a Jonathan in our lives. At the end of his life, Alexander the Great said, “We all suffer. They all came to the end of their time and in the end, when it's over, all that matters is what you've done.” J. M. Barrie said, “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. One may read the Bible but thousands read you and me. You may be the only Bible others will ever read. It is the duty and privilege of every Christian to help others get better. Multitudes followed Jesus everywhere He went because our Lord always left people better than He found them. We should do the same. The best exercise for the heart is to reach down and to lift someone up. Today, let’s find someone to help. I love you and I believe in you!

“Knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord” (Ephesians 6:8 ESV).
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