Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

April will be Amazing

Our expectations have a lot to do with what we experience in life. What we constantly think about, we’ll eventually bring about. Our lives are an aggregate of our thoughts, words, and actions. If we dare to believe God for the best, we’ll eat the good of the land.

I believe April will be amazing for those who believe. Wake up every day of this month believing that today is going to be your day. Most people lose an hour at the beginning of their day and spend the rest of the day recapturing it. How we start the beginning of this month is how it will end. Don’t be a victim of complacency. Each day is a gift from God. Learn to squeeze every drop of life from each day. Enjoy, relax, laugh but live with a purpose in your heart.

One of the things that makes God mad is when we put limits on what He can do. The Israelites doubted God and questioned, “Can God?” Doubt anything you want but never doubt the fact that God wants to bless you. Instead of asking “Can God?,” say empathically, “God can!” When we doubt, we question God’s ability to perform. You cannot have a poverty mentality and live in prosperity. You cannot think sick and live healthy. You cannot talk defeat and expect to live in victory. Say, “I’m healed. I’m prosperous. I’m victorious. I can do all things through Christ.”

A few weeks ago my backyard looked gray and dead. In fact, my whole neighborhood, and maybe yours, looked the same. Finally, my friend Lino, who helps me with the yard work came and chopped down some of my plants. It was a pathetic sight – dead, dry, and lifeless. Life may have dealt with you in the same way. Your sickness has gone from bad to worse. The finances look bleak. Your projected goals in the business have not quite produced. I have good news for you!

Last week, I was watering the plants in my backyard.  Do you know what I found? Little green leaves shooting out of the “dead” branches. My plants are coming back to life! They were never dead in the first place. Just because things in your life may look dead, it doesn’t mean they are. God is working behind the scenes to resurrect your dream. What looked impossible will be made possible. Your health will spring forth. Wayward children will find their way home. The addiction will be gone. The contract will land on your desk. Sales will close and your relationships will blossom again. God is not dead and neither are you!

You will never gain what you’re unwilling to go after. This is the time of the year when we think about our Lord’s death, burial, and resurrection. One thing we often forget is that Jesus died for us so that we can live for Him. His death was not just meant to be material for a horror movie. He endured excruciating pain and suffering so that we can live an exhilarating life. We’re underestimating the price He paid for us unless we actively seize our destiny every day.

This is what Mistry did in Calcutta, India. She became a widow at the age of 23 because they couldn’t afford proper treatment for her husband. She was uneducated and had no social background. Even though she was devastated, she made a silent resolution to herself – “One day, I will build a hospital for the poor who cannot afford to pay.” In the following years, she worked relentlessly as a vegetable seller, bricklayer, and a household maid. She would earn two cents an hour and save most of it to build her dream hospital. Her four children worked alongside whatever she was doing to save up for the dream. Now 47 years down the line, Humanity Hospital stands tall and proud, serving the poor, free of cost, since 1996. Her son, Ajoy, is a doctor at her hospital, which has 12 doctors and over 25 beds. Humanity Hospital is a testament to a single woman’s grit, determination, and never-say-die spirit against all odds.

As you stand at the threshold of a new month, let me ask you a question. What are you pursuing with your life? What miracle do you believe God will provide? What’s burning in your heart and won’t go away? If you believe, go after your dreams and appropriate the power that Jesus died to give us, you can accomplish any goal, purpose, and destiny. You have what it takes. Today is a new day, a new opportunity. Let’s seize the day and build on a momentum that has taken us our whole life to get to. I believe and declare: April will be amazing!

“A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies has no sense” (Proverbs 12:11 NLT).

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