One of the greatest pleasures of being a Christian is to
win others for the Kingdom of God. The closest, and dearest thing, to the heart
of God is lost souls. Every believer is commanded to win people to the Lord.
Bringing lost souls to Christ is one of the main
spiritual responsibilities of a believer. For the most part, the Church in
America has abandoned the call to world missions. We’re too busy beautifying
our sanctuary and building our own kingdom. If America wants to regain her
former glory, we must get involved in world missions. One of the best ways to
combat international terrorism is to bring Jesus to the world. When the Gospel
changes a man’s heart, it revolutionizes everything!
Recently, I was talking to a fellow minister and he was
lamenting that churches have given him the cold shoulder regarding reaching the
lost in foreign lands. He shared how pastors
won’t allow him any pulpit time to share the vision of reaching the world.
Once, he preached his heart out and many signed up to receive further
information from his ministry. My friend was excited to see the response but
the very next day he got a call from the pastor warning him not to contact the
people who signed up. Not only that, he was told that should any money be given
to his ministry, it would have to be done through the church. What a small
America is still the number one voice in world
Christianity. However, we’re losing our place of authority simply because the
church has become too commercialized. Our focus has been to pack the house so
that we can pile up more money to provide a luxury lifestyle for the leaders.
Worldly ways have consumed us. Church has become a business. While a workman is
worthy of his hire, we’ve put Christian leaders on a pedestal. In many
countries, a pastor has to be in prison defending his loyalty to his
congregation before becoming their leader. Until we make Jesus the Savior of
the world our first priority, we’re not going to have the influence we once had.
Do you know what country has pledged to send 100,000 missionaries to the world?
God is doing mighty works in communist China. In spite of
hardship, persecution, and even death, Christians there are taking Jesus to the
world. They have very little and they know even less, but how refreshing it is
to see that they have their priorities right. Jesus is the main attraction in
China. The Holy Spirit is working to bring at least 25,000 people to Jesus
every day. Chinese leaders and believers don’t spend their time, effort, and
resources to buy acreage and build magnificent buildings. Rather, they invest
everything into reaching lost souls. They realize that people are the only
thing going to heaven. Everything else that we try to beautify and idolize here
on earth will be burned with fire. Is it any wonder that China is becoming the
largest Christian nation in the world! At the present rate of growth, will have
more Christians than America by the year 2025.
We’re going back to China on August 3, 2014 to train
pastors and leaders. We will work with orphans. We will deliver Bibles for the
persecuted. It has been stated that every Christian in China is an evangelist.
However, many believe that for every Chinese Bible, an average of five people
experience salvation.
We’re all called to world missions. We’re all called to
make a difference in reaching our world for Jesus. We’re all called to win
souls for our Savior. When we partner with others who are bringing the lost
world to Christ, we’re heaping up treasures for ourselves. The Great Commission
has been the great omission in modern
Christianity but every individual should be involved in taking Jesus to the
world. Imagine your impact! If one Bible can bring five lost souls to Christ,
what will be the impact of the 30, 50, 100, or 500 Bibles you can provide? A
Bible only costs $3.00. Will you please help? Will you please share this with
your friends and family? When we become engaged in God’s dream for this world,
He will make sure to fulfill our dreams. Let’s take Jesus to the world!
his glory to the nations, his mighty deeds to all peoples”
(Psalm 96:3 Good News).
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