Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Become a Miracle

Many people today are waiting for a miracle. They need a healing in their body, a job, or a relationship rescue. While we all need a miracle for ourselves, we can reach out and touch somebody who God has placed in our path.

Human nature is to be self-focused. We’re all going about our day like a busy bee trying to gather for ourselves. While it’s not wrong to provide for your own family, it is not healthy to be so self-absorbed. God has made you a miracle! You’re a miracle waiting to happen.

You may be thinking, “Sandy, that is good but I need a miracle for myself.” Here’s the key. When you become a miracle for others, God will become a miracle for you. Most people don’t realize that the greatest miracles are the smallest things in life. God touches people when you do. He provides for the poor through you. He shows His love when we embrace the crying, sighing, and dying humanity. One touch of God can change people’s lives. People experience God by experiencing you!

Years ago, I worked at a computer company. By the grace of God, I was their top producer. One day a total stranger walked into the store. I got to talking to him and realized that he’d come looking for a job. After probing a little, I found out that he was in a bad situation but he was ready and willing to work hard to amend his life. After escorting him to the hiring manager, I gave him the highest recommendation and the young man was hired. The rest is history. That young man got his life back together and went on to become one of the best employees for the company. What was that? It wasn’t hard or big but that was becoming a miracle for someone else.

In the Bible, Jesus told a parable of the Good Samaritan. A man was traveling from Jericho to Jerusalem and on the way he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him, and left him half dead. Isn’t this what the devil still tries to do to God’s people today? People commit a sin and make a bad choice and their lives go into a tailspin. The first two people who encountered the wounded man were a priest and a Levite. They were on their way to worship God in Jerusalem. They were in a hurry to meet God but they didn’t have time for His creation. They failed to recognize that true religion is to care for people. They passed him by but a Samaritan outcast stopped and helped the man recover from his wound and payed for his restoration. I wonder how the world would look at us Christians if we stopped long enough to become a miracle!

It’s pretty to sing, “Jesus I love you!” in the church but you can’t love God without loving people. When we reach out and become their miracle, we’re storing up treasures for ourselves. You cannot outgive God!
One of the greatest things we can give to people is our encouragement. I’ve found most people know what to do to get out of their misery. What many people don’t have is someone to believe in them. One of the most powerful phrases in the world is to say to a struggling person, “I believe in you!” When a series of negative things happen, people get discouraged and depressed. These people are not failures. They’ve been on the top before and they can do it again. What they need is someone to believe in them. When we look into their eyes and point them to God, they find a new source of strength within themselves. It’s easy to find faults in others but it’s divine to become a miracle!

Today, I challenge you to go about your day looking to become a miracle. Speak a kind word to a stranger. Endorse someone. Give a referral. Call a friend who is going through a difficult situation. Pray with someone about their problems. Give someone a hug. Be generous. When we do these little things for others, God will make sure to do the big things for you. Become a miracle and God will become a miracle for you!

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:36-37).

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