Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Let Freedom Ring

If you’re an American, 4th of July is a great day of celebration. This day is remembered for severing ties with Great Britain after they imposed unreasonable conditions upon their citizens. God made man free therefore it is a basic human right.

While it is great to be free as a nation, what is more important is that we’re free as individuals. We may no longer succumb to the tyranny of an unjust government; many today are trapped in bondage much more sinister than political control.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” What he was saying is that if we become free as an individual, we can be free as a nation.

Today, let’s look at five areas of life where God wants us to be free.

1. Freedom from wrong mindsets. Too many people are trapped into wrong thinking. A wrong mindset is anything contrary to the Bible. Self-limiting thoughts like: I’m nothing special, I’m not attractive, I’m not smart, I’m not gifted, I will never own my own house, I’ll never get married, I’ll never retire are contrary to God’s promises. Our wrong way of thinking is keeping us from experiencing God’s best as an individual, and collectively as a nation. When we disagree with God, we’re dwarfing our potential. A wrong mindset is more dangerous than a venomous snake because it makes us believe we’re doing the right thing while it leads us to destruction. Our freedom has to do with our mindset. What we believe is what we will become.

2. Freedom from want. A great deal of our lives is spent on gathering for ourselves. While we need to assume responsibility for our own provision, we shouldn’t stretch ourselves too thin. When we live beyond our means, we’re digging a hole for ourselves. We should not be greedy. On the other hand, God wants us to have a mentality of abundance. We limit ourselves by thinking that if God has to provide, it has to be through a job, business, stocks, and bonds. While this is a good place to start, why not believe in God for the supernatural? John Quincy Adams said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” God created the diamond and gold mines. Can we trust Him to meet our needs over and beyond and have plenty left over to help others? Instead of praying to pay off your own house, pray to pay off someone else’s and see what God does! In God, government or job we trust?

3. Freedom from pain. There are different kinds of pain. When we’re in pain, we think differently. Physical, mental, and emotional pain cause us to live a constrained life. God wants to heal our body, mind, spirit, and soul. One way we can be free from that is to forgive those who have done us wrong. When you forgive others, you set a prisoner free and that that prisoner is you. Often people asked Jesus if He wanted to heal. Jesus replied, “I will.” Jesus still wants to heal today! He will heal every place you hurt.

4. Freedom from bad habits. Habits come in different shapes, sizes, and forms. Let’s not judge people because their sin is different from ours. All of us have issues. We can all improve. Thomas Jefferson said, “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Here are simple steps to overcome a bad habit. Acknowledge > Make yourself accountable > Get help > Give it time.

5. Freedom from sin. God said all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. We’re professional sinners but we don’t have to live that way. John F Kennedy said, Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.” You may feel that you’ve failed miserably but Christ paid the ultimate price our freedom. You’re no longer a weak, worm of the dust. You’re the righteousness of God. If you don’t like the way you’re born, today I urge you to be born again. If God can change the world inside of you, He can change the world through you.

Friend, let freedom ring loudest in your heart and let us remember that righteousness exalts a nation. A nation will prosper if we’re living right individually. Jesus didn’t come to change a political order He came to change the heart of men, women and children. Everything changes when the heart is powered by Jesus.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36 NIV).

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