Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, April 4, 2014

5 Facts You Must Know About Yourself

One of the main reasons why people struggle is our own perception of who we are. We often tend to identify and magnify the gifts and talents in others but we’re not so sure about our own abilities.

We get our self-esteem from various sources. It can come from parents, teachers, and other authority figures. Even religious leaders may have taught us not to think too highly of ourselves. We must be humble but if we don’t have God’s perspective on who we are, then we’ll go through life thinking less of ourselves.  Today let’s discuss five important facts you must know about yourself.

#1. You’re magnificent. Of all the breathtaking creations in the world, you’re God’s best! You’re created by design. When we accept that God made us in His own image, it changes everything. You’re stunningly beautiful. You have the smarts. Your personality matches with your purpose. You’re here in this time and space to change the world. Let this truth sink deep down into your heart. Say it with me, “I am magnificent!” Agree with God because that’s what He says about you.

#2. You’ve got what it takes. God has equipped you with the right gifts and talents. You don’t need to be anybody else. The original YOU is more explosive than all the dynamite in the world. Quit comparing yourself to others. Accept who you are. Take some time to discover your own uniqueness – flaws and all. Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it’s stupid.” Find your mojo and be the best YOU that you can be! You’re a great husband, Dad, brother, and neighbor.

#3. You have the right connections. How many times do we suck up to people thinking they will open doors for us? There’s nothing wrong with trying to meet people and look for opportunities but you’ll have a greater sense of confidence if you accept that God is your source. He’s your strongest link to success. The Scripture puts it this way, “If God is for us, who can be against us!” Let’s stop the frustrating cycle of trying to impress people. Right now, God has just the right people and connections lined up for you to take you to the next level. If you focus on impressing God, He will impress others about you!

#4. You have the favor of God. Your natural talents may not measure up but God’s favor will make up for your deficiency. Never be too lazy to do your best. After that, let God do the rest! That’s what the young shepherd boy David did. He was the anointed (favored) unprofessional and Goliath was the experienced professional. Get up each day and pray out loud, “Thank you Lord for giving me preferential treatment today. I have the favor of God. I expect victory and success in all I do.” My friend, this is the breakfast, lunch, and dinner of Champions!

#5. There’s always hope for you. Once someone told me, “You’ve lost the window of opportunity.” People have a hard time letting go of old memories but God will never write you off. Don’t let the sins of your past rob you of your bright future. No matter how down, defeated, or desperate you feel, you can come out of your misery in a split second. The first person you’ll meet when you decide to turn from your wrongs is Jesus. God is always there for you. His mercy endures forever! He is not mad at you, He is madly in love with you. Why don’t you take a moment now and make it right with God. Say this out loud with me, “Dear God, I made mistakes. I take ownership for my wrongs. I need your forgiveness. I accept the power of the Holy Spirit to fuel me from here on. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Friend, no matter what you feel, always know these facts about you. You’re fearfully and wonderfully made. You are full of God’s can-do power. You have the right connections working on your behalf. God’s grace is sufficient for you. Nothing you do can separate you from the love of God. Now what are you waiting for? Go with God and make history!

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12 NLT).

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