Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Resurrecting Your Dreams

Every single one of us goes through life with some disappointment, loss, or broken dreams. This doesn’t mean we’re failing but it shows that we’re trying. The only difference between success and failure is when we stop trying and give up.
Many people are living a down, defeated and mediocre life because they have given up on themselves. People debate that the richest place on earth is not the diamond mines of Africa or the oil fields of the Middle East. However, I’ve found that the richest place on earth is the graveyards where dreams got buried without ever being fulfilled. Witty inventors, engineers, doctors, scientists, authors, business persons, politicians, actors, artists are buried in there because people gave up a little too soon. They died with their dreams still inside. Today, my challenge to you is don’t die with a dream still in your heart.
In the Bible, if someone stole an ox, he had to pay back five oxen. If someone stole a sheep, he had to return four more. Proverbs says the thief will have to return seven times more than what he stole. In Isaiah, God promised that He would pay you back double for your trouble. Notice the principle, God always gives you back more than what you’ve lost!
Our co-workers in India work among the slum dwellers. They minister to the poorest of the poor, who spend their day looking through the garbage or doing menial jobs. Their ambition is to find something – in the trash. Our evangelists are faithful to share the Gospel with them. By the grace of God, a large number of slum-dwellers have come to know the Lord. Their prayer to God has been for a better life. You know, there’s a special place in God’s heart for the poor.
One day, the slum-believers got news that the government was going to widen the road and their little shacks were going to be demolished. They were in total despair! But they prayed and trusted the Lord for their safety and protection. Not many days after the “bad news,” they got another report. The local government was going to give them a substantial amount of money so each of them could have their brick and mortar house. They were also promised one government job (steady income) for each family for the rest of their lives for the inconvenience of having to move away from their “homes.” What looked like a disaster for the slum-dwelling believers became a huge blessing from the Lord.
Friend, sometimes what looks like a setback is actually a setup. Right now God is getting you in position to promote you! You may feel defeated and discouraged but instead of feeling despair, why don’t you trust in God that somehow, someway, He will turn your tears into triumph! Remember, nothing happens to you; everything happens for you. Your greatest battle ground will become your biggest harvest field. It’s time for you to resurrect your dream.
Today as you celebrate Easter, remember, no other man in history has done what Jesus did for us. Painful as it was, our Lord went through the experience of Calvary because He saw the crown and not the cross. He kept the resurrection in focus.
You too have gone through the death. You’ve gone through the burial. Now is your time for resurrection! When you look beyond your pain, suffering, and disappointments, then you’ll find it easy to get to your resurrection. Psalm 30:5 says, “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.”
Friend, just because a few things have gone wrong in your life doesn’t mean God is through with you. You have kept the faith. You’ve helped a multitude of people. You’ve sacrificed for your family. You have taken a stand for God. You’ve kept your integrity.
Don’t just think that your reward is coming, your reward is here. Today is the day. This is the week. This is the month. This is the year! God never aborts a dream. I pray and declare that every dream you’ve received from God will come to pass. All of the dreams you buried will come back to life. You’ve gone through the death, you’ve gone through the burial, now is the time for your resurrection. Happy Easter!
We went through fire and flood, but you brought us to a place of great abundance” (Psalm 66:12 NLT).
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