If you live in Dallas,
Texas area, you know that we’re transitioning into spring. It is an exciting
time. There is a sense of anticipation in the air. We’re experiencing the naked
trees starting to blossom. Grass, that looked dead for months are suddenly
racing against weeds. I don’t know about yours but in my lawn, weeds are
winning so far!
Seriously, what happens
in the natural is often an indicator of what’s taking place in the spiritual
world. Some of you have been in a “dormant”
season for a long time. Your health situation may not look good but God’s
healing is about to break forth. Some of you are looking for jobs, promotions
and better jobs. I’m here to tell you that your dream job has been unleashed.
Stay in faith. Let God do the rest.
Others of you have
waited long for your Mr. or Ms. Perfect and you will not be disappointed. God
is preparing a life-companion for you. Your wait will be worth it! Several of
you are going through marital problems. That’s right; going through. Peace,
joy, and tranquility await you on the other side. God is bringing restoration into
your marriage.
Many of you are facing
financial challenges. Let me say this, I hear the sound of financial abundance
about to rain down upon you. God’s favor will jolt your business from the winter
slump. You’ll end this month and every month here on with a profit! God will pay
you back for your losses. Some of you are waiting for that dream vacation –
this is the year.
Seeds of germination are
working in you. Just because you can’t see below the grass doesn’t mean there’s
no life under there. Similarly, even if things were dead in your life, remember,
we serve a Living God who brought Lazarus back to life!
Friend, in the end, everything
will be alright. If it’s not alright, it’s not the end. Don’t give up. Set your
mind in the right direction. Stand firm and call in your blessing. Say no to
the enemy’s lying voices and YES to all of God’s promises. What has looked dead
and dormant for months and years are suddenly coming back to life. This is God’s
promise to those who believe. Do you receive it? I know you do. I’m praying for
“Don't you have a saying, 'It's still four months until
harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for
harvest” (John 4:35 NIV).
Stay Inspired: http://www.facebook.com/pages/BUILD-International-Ministries/113937368637778?ref=hl
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