Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Payday is Coming

One of the hardest things in life is to keep doing the right thing when nothing seems to be happening. There are times when situation may even seem to go against what we are standing for. Yet, if we keep doing the right thing long enough, we can be confident that our harvest will come.

Everything we do – our thoughts and actions, is a seed. When we sow a seed a kindness, we WILL reap a harvest. When we’re taking care of our bodies through exercise, healthy eating and sleep habits, we will enjoy divine health. When we give our due diligence at work and trust God with the result, He will give us the increase. When we honor our heavenly Father with a God-pleasing lifestyle, He will promote us. Great achievers are those who keep pressing on in spite of little or no visible results. What happens between what we are expecting from God and the time of its manifestation is called the “trial of our faith.”

I have friends right now who are standing in faith for a miraculous healing. Some of my friends are waiting for their dream jobs. Others of you are waiting for a relationship to blossom and the business to start making profit. You are praying for your marriage to be healed and family members to be saved. It may have taken a while, but know that a harvest is coming. God has been working all along. Healing, promotion, increase, influence, peace, prosperity, restoration, salvation and a sound mind is waiting in line for you. God will never put you through a test without first giving you the power to overcome and then to reward you for it.

Today, raise your expectation in God. Abraham got his promised son. Moses delivered God’s people from the bondage. David killed Goliath. Jesus endured the cross. What results they got! You too, will inherit your promise. God is orchestrating things in your favor. Good breaks are on your way! Your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Keep your hopes up. Keep trusting in God’s ability to turn things around. Just like you go to work every day – fighting traffic, putting up with a difficult boss, and myriads of other disadvantages in the hope of a paycheck, the test of your faith will produce result. The question is not if it will happen but when it WILL happen. Stay in faith. God will honor you and He will reward you. Your payday is coming!

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed” (I Peter 4:12-13 NIV).

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