Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, November 15, 2013

5 Traits of a Great Leader

Most of us would not consider ourselves as leaders but all of us are leaders to someone in some ways. We can abdicate our roles as leaders or we can step up to the plate and become the leader God wants us to be.

Like everything else the best principles of being a great leader is found in the Bible. Millions of people today are living below their potential because we’ve not understood the call to leadership. Let’s discuss a few traits of a great leader.

Leaders have vision. Everything rises and falls within leadership. Whether it is in your family, work, church or business, the vision of a leader gives it life and direction. The Bible says, without a vision people perish. If you want peace, financial stability and growth in your marriage, family or church, you will have to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve or where you want to go. Divide the vision into bite-size short, mid and long-term goals. Clear vision empowers people to accomplish individual and corporate task in a timely manner.

Leaders are excellent communicators. When we fail to plan we plan to fail. Communication is the key to every successful relationship and project. The more clearly we communicate with our team the better results we will have. Written down communication and repetition of the vision enables people to capture what needs to be done and what is expected of every individual. Different people may play different role but a leader’s job is to make each person feel important about their contribution. One of the best ways to get the best results you want is to inspect what you expect along the way. Every day, empower people by saying, “I appreciate you getting your school done on time.” “You’re amazing! I know you’re going to meet the deadline by 4:00 PM today. I believe in you!” People either live up to what you say or down to what you say. Effective leaders have a great follow up system in place.

Leaders engage the whole team. People’s personalities are different. Some of the quieter, unsocial people are also more creative and talented. A leader’s job is to recognize the different gifts in people. When we engage the least of the team-member by giving them equal recognition, they too will perform to their highest potential. The more we value people and gradually increase their responsibilities the higher they’re going to rise. Positive words of affirmation and sincere compliments bring out the best in people. Negativity does the opposite. A great leader knows how to engage the shy, introverted people by drawing them into the vision and giving them public recognition for their contribution.

Leaders empower the weak. Most people are beaten down by the world and have very little self-esteem. When they relate to us, they usually come with past baggage of insecurity, self-doubt and condemnation. A great leader knows how to inspire and empower a person with battered life experience. A phrase I use regularly is, “I believe in you! You’re going to do great!” When we speak faith into people, they will be faithful! A great leader always make people believe more than what they believe about themselves.

Leaders serve. The world’s definition of leadership is skewed today. It says the higher we go up the ladder the greater we need to be served. However, a great leader is one who knows how to stoop down to lift another person up. It takes a big person to do something small. Never be too big or too influential to serve others. If we want to serve God, we need to serve people. The ladder to success is the ladder to service.

Friend, you’re born to be a leader. Why don’t you get up from the sideline? Shut out the condemning voices of the enemy of your past mistakes. I declare: You’re born to do great things. You’re a great Dad. You’re an awesome mother. You’re a great wife. You can do anything you want. God has chosen you for a purpose. Walk in it! You’ve got what it takes. Leaders rise up; you’re the hope of our world!

Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. (Mark 10:43-44 NLT).

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