Building People. Spreading Hope.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Don’t Answer to Your Critics

One of the greatest tests of maturity is how we handle criticism. If you’re doing anything worthwhile with your life, people will talk. How we learn to handle criticism will determine how far we will go.

I used to be a very insecure person. I didn’t take criticism well. I had to defend myself in the most insignificant things. I created scenes and embarrassed people. Often I was winning arguments but I was a small person inside. As I began to develop God-fidence, I started to handle criticism in a much healthier way.

Have you noticed that the only people who get criticized are those who are doing something? Usually they’re criticized by people who are not doing anything. Let me sound the alarm. If you want to do anything significant with your life, you’ll be criticized. Don’t sink down to the level where people are talking down on you. You protest, “Sandy, that’s not fair. Why can’t I tell them off and put the record straight?” Here’s why. They’re not going where you are going!

In my language, there’s a saying, “Let the elephant walk and the dogs bark.” The bigger you are the less you need to defend yourself. Let your walk do all the talking. When God begins to promote you, all sorts haters will come out of the woodworks. Don’t defend yourself. Let God be your judge. He will pay you back.

Once, Prophet Elisha was passing through a small city. A bunch of young people began to make fun of him calling him bald. Elisha was annoyed but he didn’t respond to the negative talk. He simply prayed. When he turned around, two female bear had come out from the woods and mauled forty-two young men! There are two lessons to be learned here. Number one; never make fun of a bald person! Number two; don’t criticize a Man of God. Friend, don’t worry about your critics. Instead of defending yourself, use all that energy to advance yourself. God will vindicate you. Let the elephant walk…

This is what a young British lad did when he failed in sixth grade. He tried a hand at politics but there was no room for him there. He was defeated in every single election for public office. Multitude criticized him. Winston Churchill continued to serve and inspire his countrymen on the radio. At the age of sixty two, he became the British Prime Minister and saved his country from the Nazi invasion. Last month I had the privilege of standing under his monument in the middle of the busy streets of London. Once people criticized Churchill but today people from all over the world come to pay tribute and celebrate his life. When you learn to ignore criticism, you too will inspire many others. Ignore the criticism and keep moving forward. You’re going places where no one else has gone before!

One of the worst critics you’ll ever face in life is yourself. When we belittle ourselves, it is far more destructive than any other criticism against us. Too many people today look down on themselves. Don’t let that be you. You’re created in the very image of God. He breathed His life into you. You are God’s perfect ten! Your failure is an event; it doesn’t define who you are. The Scripture says that the devil is the accuser of the brethren. Don’t assist the devil by thinking one iota less than what God made you to be. You’re God’s most valued possession. Our performance has nothing to do with God’s acceptance of us. He loved us while we were yet sinners. Accept His grace and forgiveness. There’s nothing wrong with you!

Friend, let’s grow up. You don’t have to answer to every critic. Use the criticisms to fuel you to your next level. Don’t seek revenge. Let God be your vindicator. Don’t judge others and you won’t be judged. God will pay you back for the backtalk. You’re going places where no one else is going. Greatness awaits you at the top. I believe in you! Let the elephant walk…

“God will vindicate the righteous” (Psalm 37:6).

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