Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Your Small Action Has a Big Impact

Thomas Daigle has recently been in the news. Thirty-five years ago, Thomas and his wife, Sandra, were walking out of a bank after signing their mortgage papers when he spotted a penny in the parking lot. He picked up the coin and said to his wife, “Ah, a penny toward our mortgage.” He and his wife joked about collecting pennies to pay off the loan, and the rest is history.

Thomas says, “I’ve never saved anything other than pennies.” Over the next three decades, he rolled pennies, fifty cents at a time. His bank found out the hard way just how much work that was -- it took tellers at the bank two days to unroll the penny cases.

What started as a joke thirty-five years ago ended with Thomas paying off his last mortgage payment using 62,000 pennies.

Today, I want to talk to you about “the impact of small!”

It is human nature to rejoice over the big moments in our lives. We celebrate the birth of a child, graduation from high school, a first job, getting married, buying a new home, or the first week of retirement. While it is okay to celebrate the mountain top experiences; it is the small, everyday, mundane routine that affects the big things in life. How we handle the small things, small trials, small success, and small opportunities will determine the course of our lives in the long run.

The scripture says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4:10, NLT). What does that mean?

It simply means to recognize the blessings God brings to our everyday life. It means to appreciate the small things that come along our path. It means to live with an attitude of gratitude every moment of our lives. When we recognize the small things God is doing in our life today, we will see how it adds up to become a big blessing in our lives.

Dame Anita Roddick was a British businesswoman who founded The Body Shop, a cosmetics company producing and retailing beauty products. She once said, “If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito.”

You may be a stay-at-home mom and think to yourself, “All I do is change diapers, cook, clean, and then start again. When will it ever end? Is there life after chores?” Yes, it may be dull and monotonous right now, but do not forget the big impact you are making! You are raising children who will do great exploits. What you are doing as a stay-at-home mother is no less valuable than the work of a corporate executive – instead of a monthly paycheck, you get paid in life. Who knows? You may be raising the next Billy Graham, Bill Gates, or Amy Carmichael! Do not despise the small. It has a big impact! It is part of the big things to come.

Maybe you have a job and a difficult boss. You are tempted to think, “All I do is take orders from a grouchy, old boss. I am not appreciated for all the hard work I do. All I hear is what else there is for me to get done.” This may be true, but understand this, if you remain faithful at your job with a good attitude, God will pay you back. One day, you might replace your boss, run the department, or even manage the whole organization! Does that sound too good to be true? No, our God is a just God and He is a Rewarder! The key is to do your job – the small things in the best possible way you can – not unto your boss, but unto the Lord. He will promote you.

In the New Testament, there is a story of a little boy who brought five loaves and two fish to Jesus. In the eyes of man, it was too small and insignificant to notice, but God pays attention to details. Great miracles begin with a small act of faith. One little lunch from a small child fed five thousand hungry men. Then He recorded it in the Bible to inspire us for centuries to come. Friend, God pays attention to the details of your life. The scripture says, “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me.” (Psalm 138:8, KJV) That means no matter how big or small your expectations are, He will bring it to pass.

Friend, are you hurting today (body, mind, spirit, or soul)? Begin thanking God for the parts that are not hurting. Once, there were ten lepers who came to Jesus for their healing (Luke 17:12-19). The Bible says that as they went, Jesus healed them all, but only one returned to thank Him for his healing. I do not know what miracle you need today. But one way you can expedite your breakthrough is to recognize and praise God for the small blessings in your life.

Let us not underestimate the big impact of your small action. Thomas Daigle paid off his mortgage saving one penny at a time. Five thousand were fed with one small lunch. Lepers were healed when they believed God. They all started small but they all had a big ending. How we do a small thing is how we will receive a big blessing. In business, take care of your clients in the most extravagant fashion. Treat them like royalty and they will not only line up for more, they will also bring their friends and family with them. At home, let us celebrate our families; let us not take them for granted. Church leaders, let us not focus on growing a bigger congregation. Celebrate and add value to the ones who do come every week. Let us feed the sheep and they will return, bringing their lost loved ones with them.

Let me end with a few words from our Master, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!” (Matthew 25:23, NIV) Let us do the small things well, because it is often the small action that makes the big impact!

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