During my recent trip to Asia, I learned about the Chinese bamboo tree. This remarkable tree is different from most trees that grow in that region. While most trees steadily grow over a period of years, the Chinese bamboo tree does not break through the ground for the first four years. Then in the fifth year, an amazing phenomenon happens — the tree begins to grow at an astonishing rate. Over a period of five weeks, the Chinese bamboo tree can grow to a height of 80 feet. As if captured by a slow motion camera, you can practically see the tree growing before your very eyes.
Life often happens in a similar way. You can work for weeks, months, or even years on your dream with no visible signs of progress, and then all of a sudden, things take off. Your business becomes profitable beyond your wildest dreams. Your marriage becomes more vibrant and passionate than you ever thought it could be. Your passion to reach the world through Build International Ministries becomes more compelling than you have ever imagined!
All of this requires two things – faith and hard work. Those who tend the Chinese bamboo tree have faith that if they keep watering and fertilizing and working the ground, the tree will break through. You must have the same kind of faith in your "bamboo tree," whether it is running a successful business, walking in health, raising well-behaved children, or getting your finances in order. You must have faith that as you work hard, live healthy and exercise, train your children, invest in your spouse, or develop wise financial habits, that you will see rapid growth in the future.
This is what happened to Ruth. Scripture tells us that Ruth was loyal to her mother-in-law, Naomi, even after her husband had died. When Naomi wanted to return to her own country, she gave Ruth the choice to return to her kinsfolk. Ruth was loyal at heart. She decided to follow Naomi.
When they reached Bethlehem, they did not have much more than a roof over their head. Naomi had a relative who was a wealthy man and owned a lot of land. Ruth went to the field owned by Boaz and gleaned after the reapers. It was hard labor, a hand-to-mouth struggle, for Ruth and Naomi. God saw Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi and her willingness to work hard and serve the True and Living God of Israel. Ruth found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
God sent Ruth explosive blessing. One day, Boaz went to check on his land and saw Ruth gathering after the reapers. He inquired about her and told his men to “leave handfuls of grain on purpose” for Ruth to take home (Ruth 2:16). Soon after, Boaz began to develop a liking for Ruth. Soon they were married. Think about it. One day Ruth was working in the field, and the next, she became the owner of the field!
Friend, this is how God wants to bless you. He knows how hard you are working to grow your “bamboo tree.” You have planted, watered, and fertilized the soil, and now is the time for explosive growth and increase of God’s grace (unmerited favor) in your life. He is orchestrating connections, divine appointments, and opportunities for explosive blessings to overtake you.
The scripture says, “When darkness overtakes the godly, light will come bursting in.” (Psalm 112:4) Notice it does not say God’s blessing will start to drip or faintly appear; it says His light will come bursting in. In today’s context, it will be an explosive blessing. It will not just be a small addition to what you already have, but it will set you up for the next five, ten, or even twenty years ahead!
When the lame beggar at the temple Beautiful approached Peter and John for some small change for lunch, he got much more than he had bargained for. (Acts 3:1-10) It was the day of God’s explosive blessing to be unleashed upon this disabled man. Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have but in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk.” The Bible says, “Immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.” He went on his merry way, “walking, leaping and praising God.” One moment he was begging for lunch money and in the next he was strong enough to go to work for himself and earn a living for his family. That is the kind of explosive blessing God has in store for you!
What is it that is holding you back? God is poised to bless you with unprecedented blessing. Cast away your small thinking and begin to expect the explosive blessing. If you are asking God for what you can achieve by yourself, you are not thinking big enough. God said, “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.” (Psalm 2:8) That is what God has done for me. In the last twenty-six years, I have ministered in over forty nations.
It is time for you to receive your explosive blessing.
Sometimes, in our doubt, we dig up our seed and plant it elsewhere, in hopes that it will grow faster in more fertile ground. This is why people change jobs every year. We also see people change churches, organizations, and even spouses in the pursuit of greener pastures. More often than not, these people are greatly disappointed when their tree does not grow any faster in the new location.
Do not make the mistake of getting in a hurry and pulling up your seed. Stay committed and connected. Bloom where you are planted. Remain faithful to what God has given you now. There is a tsunami of breakthrough coming that will catapult you to a place of God’s explosive blessing. Your “fifth year of growth” is here now. Like the Chinese bamboo tree, you will experience astonishing growth. Like Ruth, you will go from working in the business to owning the business!
You have a bamboo tree inside of you waiting to break through. Keep watering, believing, and working hard; you will be flying high before you know it.
An explosive blessing is coming your way. Get ready for everything to change in your life!
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