Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Your Appointed Time is Coming

Once I was in the Dallas airport waiting for a plane to arrive.  I sat down in a chair and immediately noticed a gentleman, sitting in front of me, who was visibly irritated. Wanting to help, I asked him if I could buy him a lunch. He politely refused and said, “It’s not that. I have been waiting for my plane (same flight as mine) for the last two hours!” He was frustrated and upset because his plane did not come when he thought it was time.

Many times we experience the same frustrations like my fellow-passenger. When we feel God is not answering our prayers on our timetable, we fight, we fret and sometimes we give up thinking God does not care about us. But in reality, God was watching out for us all along. He has already executed an answer; it is exactly on schedule. One thing I have learned in life – God is seldom early but He is never too late.  We have our timetable and God has His and often they don’t sync.  The secret is to learn how to move from our timetable to God’s. This is not so easy but with a little practice anybody can get there.

The Bible says, “The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord.” Psalm 37:23. That means, if our steps are truly ordered by the Lord, we can rest assured that our set time is coming – not a second late. I have found anytime we have to have something to make us happy, we’re out of sync.

This is what happened to Abraham and Sara. You see, God promised them a son; but 25 years had gone by without a result.  Their natural bodies were failing.  The promise seemed dead but God was not through.  He had set an appointed time.  His plan was to wait until everything in the natural was dead so that only God could get credit for the miraculous outcome.

As Abraham and Sara got up in years, you could see the disappointment in their eyes. I’m sure their neighbors, friends and family had plenty of gossip going on about them. Doubt must have entered their minds but they never let it settle in their hearts. To encourage Abraham and Sara, God had to send an angel with a message, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?  At the appointed time I will return to you.”  Genesis 18:14.  And guess what?  At God’s set time, against all odds, Abraham and Sara did have their promised child born to them.

You may not have an angel standing before you today, but God sent me to deliver this message to you, “Your appointed time is coming!” God sees your wait, He sees your tears. He knows you’ve been faithful in spite of difficult times. Just like my plane arrived at a set time to take me to my destination.  Your set time for healing, promotion, increase and restoration is coming. God will vindicate you. Your child will serve God. Your business will take off and profit again. Your relationships will be restored.

So what do you do between now and your appointed time of arrival? 

First, learn to worship God in your dark times; and He will reward you openly. Spend more time talking about the breakthrough coming than singing the blues, “When is it ever going to happen to me?” When we brag on God in our difficult circumstances, He will brag on us and send the answers we need.

Second, keep doing the things you know are right to do. Be diligent. Spend time with your family. Help those in need, both locally and internationally. When you focus on others, God will focus on you. 

Last, but not the least, use this time to grow. Learn from the best in your industry. Gain some new skills.  Try something different than what you have always done. Ask questions from those who have done well in your situation.

Our plane arrived on time. Abraham got his son. If you keep your hope in God and stay persistent, you too will fulfill your destiny and make a difference. If you ever feel like giving up, remind yourself, “At the appointed time God will turn my dream into reality.” Your life is precisely on schedule. It will not be one second late. You will enjoy the fruit of your patience for the rest of your life.

Think about this. Just when the caterpillar couldn’t take it any longer; it turned into a butterfly!

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