Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Acceleration is Coming

We are living in a day when God is speeding things up. Your sickness may look permanent, debt may look insurmountable, the business may be slow, but God is turning things around. What should normally take you a lifetime to accomplish will happen for you in a fraction of the time.

One of my friends owns a construction business. When we talked on the phone, he sounded so excited. He said, “Sandy, I’ve already made enough profit in January as I made in the entire past year!” My friend Jay is an airplane photographer. He has tried to get in contact with a certain client for a long time. He made multiple calls to get their business but to no avail. Last month, out of the blue, Jay received a call and was asked to photograph six jets for them! What was that? Favor and acceleration. God is speeding things up!

I know that there are times when we have to be patient and wait for God’s timing. But I also believe that there are seasons in your life when God will do a quick work. Like my two friends, you are going to experience acceleration. Perhaps you have been waiting for that promotion for a long time. Now God is going to bring it to pass. The right people and right doors are about to open up for you. God is going to take you where you cannot go on your own.

I was talking to one of our pastors in Nepal. He was visiting Bima, a young lady in his church living in the high Himalayas. Five years after her marriage the husband became very abusive towards his wife. Finally he found a job in Saudi Arabia and left his family at home. He never sent any money back to his wife or their young child. For years, Bima prayed for her husband to be saved but to no avail. It was a daily struggle for the mother and child. One day, she went and bought poison for her and her six-year-old young son. She wanted to end their lives. Then, out of nowhere, she got news that her husband got saved in Saudi Arabia. Now he attends church regularly and sending funds back to his family. The whole family is serving God happily!

In the same way, God is thrusting you forward to a new level because you have kept God first place. You are going to go further not because you work harder than everyone else but because it is your time for acceleration. You may think your marriage is beyond repair or that you have been addicted for too long but God is saying, “It’s time for acceleration!” All those dreams that look as though they will take a lifetime to accomplish, get ready because it is going to happen suddenly!

This is what happened to David. Prophet Samuel had anointed him to be the king of Israel. But instead of going to the palace, David went back to the shepherd’s fields. Nobody paid any attention to him. He spent years out in the lonely pastures. Then one day David’s time came for acceleration. He went out and defeated Goliath. He became a national hero and celebrity overnight that eventually led him to the throne. What David couldn’t do on his own, God made happen in a fraction of the time. 

On February 9th, 2020, a British Airways flight BA112 made headlines in newspapers all around the globe. Flight time from New York to London is about 7 hours. The Boeing 747 reached a top speed of 825 miles per hour to cross the Atlantic. The plane landed in London Heathrow almost two hours ahead of schedule. The duration of the flight was only 4 hours and 56 minutes! An expert meteorologist explained, "The jet stream is a fast moving 'river of air' high in the atmosphere, around the height that commercial airliners fly. The flight was riding a much stronger than usual jet stream, with tailwind of over 200 miles per hour propelling the aircraft.”

Now I’m not a meteorologist but let me give you a weather update. Because you honor God with your life, He is going to accelerate your dream. He is sending you some Holy Spirit jet stream that will help you do things faster than predicted. Promotion is coming. Health is being restored to you. You’re leaving debt behind. Your marriage is going to flourish again. Your child is turning back to God. Addiction cannot keep you down any longer. Your business is going to be profitable. The legal situation will settle in your favor. It will happen sooner than you think. It is not going to take your whole life to accomplish the dreams God put in your heart. Everything is falling into place. You are going to be amazed at what God will do for you! Get ready for Him to show up in your life. God is saying that 2020 is not going to be an average year. It is not going to be a barely-get-by year. No, you need to get ready because it is going to be a blockbuster year—a year of favor, increase, and acceleration, in Jesus’ name!

Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12 KJV).

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