Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Your Miracle is Within Your Reach

You have probably never heard of Károly Takács. However, in Hungary, he is a national hero. In 1938, Takács of the Hungarian Army was the top pistol shooter in the world. He was expected to win the gold medal in the 1940 Olympic Games scheduled to take place in Tokyo, Japan. Those expectations vanished one terrible day just months before the Olympics. While training with his army squad, a hand grenade exploded in Takács’ right hand and his shooting hand was blown off.
Takács spent a month in the hospital, depressed at both the loss of his hand and the end to his Olympic dream. At that point, most people would have quit. But Takács did the unthinkable! He decided to learn how to shoot with his left hand. Instead of focusing on what he didn’t have, he decided to focus on what he did have – incredible mental toughness and a healthy left hand that with time could be developed to shoot like a champion.
The 1940 and 1944 Olympics were cancelled because of World War II. But Takács kept training and in 1948, at the age of 38, Takács won the gold medal at the London Olympics and set a new world record in pistol shooting. Four years later, Takács won the gold medal again at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics – all with one arm!
Many times when we are in a crisis or facing a certain need in our lives, we tend to believe the answers are far out of our reach. We give up thinking, “I don’t have the right connection, I don’t have the resources, or I don’t have the education.” But in the midst of our deficit, God believes in us. He allows us to reach within ourselves and discover the gifts and talents He has put in us. If we just take a step of faith and look around what we have, we will find the answers are well within our reach.
Think about it! Moses parted the Red Sea holding up an ordinary staff. David killed Goliath using a slingshot. And even Jesus started by using five loaves and two fish from a little boy’s lunch to feed the five thousand. They each had their miracle well within their reach. I’ve learned that it’s not so much what we have, but it’s God’s blessing on what we have, that makes all the difference. But nothing happens until we make a move and take some action.
Are you in need of a miracle today? Does your business look like it will not recover from this slump? Do you feel like giving up? If any of this describes you, there is hope for you!
Moses had to walk up to the vast sea, and as his feet touched the water with his rod held high, the Red Sea parted for the Israelites to walk across. David had to swing the sling that brought down a giant. Jesus had to ask a little boy for his lunch to feed 5,000 people! Friend, when all you can see is what you do not have, remember, the miracle is often within your reach.
If you want a job, you have to knock on a few doors. If you are looking for a spouse, do not expect Prince Charming or Miss America to knock on your door. You must put yourself out there. If you are looking for a business deal to close, you have to keep following up with your prospect. If you want a better marriage or a family, you have to start making some adjustments. You’ve heard it said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Do not limit yourself or God. He knows exactly what you need and how to get it to you. Stay open to God’s unconventional ways. It is called faith. You are not a powerless victim, left in the merciless hand of fate. You are an overcomer, because the Almighty God is on your side. He not only lives in you, He also lives through you!
Friend, God will never allow you to go through a temptation or a trial without making an escape for you. The scripture says, “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (I Corinthians 10:13, NIV)  He has you in the palm of His Hand. He had a solution to your problem long before it ever existed. Your situation is not impossible. Like Takács, Moses, and David, God has already prepared a way out for you.
No matter what you are going through, your answer is within your reach. Do not talk about what you don’t have. Focus on what you do have. The Scriptures says in Psalm 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” He is close to you; He is within you, and He will cause you to triumph in every situation. Your miracle is within your reach!

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