Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, January 3, 2022

A Year of Rest

“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?” (Isaiah 43:19 MSG). 

The last couple of years have been filled with uncertainty and challenges resulting from a worldwide pandemic and ongoing instability. So many people have suffered great loss and heartache. It would be easy to shrink back and expect more of the same in 2022. However, God did not create you in order to live with fear, loss, mediocrity, and constant struggle. 

The Scriptures tell us that God crowned the year with His goodness and abundance (Psalm 65:11). God has done some great things in your life so far. But God never does His greatest miracles in your yesterdays; they are always in your future. If you stretch your faith this year, you will experience more peace, joy, laughter, increase, and influence. 

Visualize Your Victory

Tara wanted to become Miss America from the time she was a little girl. She entered the 1994 Miss Florida pageant and won the first runner-up. The following year she came short of winning the title again. She felt discouraged but rather than giving up on her dream, she stayed focused and entered the 1997 Miss Kansas pageant. This time she won the title, and later that year Tara Holland was crowned Miss America. A reporter asked her, “What’s the secret to your success?” Tara explained how she was tempted to give up after she had lost the Florida championship, but decided to rent all the videos she could find of previous local, national and international beauty pageants. She watched hundreds of crown-winning moments over and over again. Every time Tara saw a woman crowned a winner, she pictured herself receiving the crown. Another reporter asked if she was nervous walking down the runway in front of the judges and millions of people watching on television. “No, not at all,” Tara replied, “You see, I had walked down that runway a thousand times.” 

Friend, God has already crowned your year with victory. Have you ever pictured yourself winning a title, wearing a crown, doing something amazing? Can you see yourself feeling healthy, strong and whole again? Can you envision yourself free of debt, anger, and addictions? Is your vision one of abundance, increase, and the ability to help people all around the world or do you see yourself inadequate and struggling? If you want to reach your highest potential, you have to first see it on the inside before you can experience it on the outside. Paul said, “I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead” (Philippians 3:13 TPT). 

Press Past the Pain

Genesis 11 tells the story of Abraham’s father, Terah. He lost one of his sons, Haran, at an early age. It was a great loss and a disappointment for him. Several years later, God put it on Terah’s heart to go to Canaan–the Promised Land. At first he was fired up and excited, but when they reached a city called Haran, the same name as his deceased son, he let the memory of his loss steal his mission. Instead of pressing past the pain, moving toward his goal, Terah got discouraged and gave up on his dream. Terah could have been the father of many nations instead of Abraham. He was the original one God told to go to the Promised Land. We could be talking about the God of Terah, Abraham, and Isaac instead of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The blessing could have started one generation sooner, but Terah decided to settle. He chose to stay focused on the pain. 

Are you lingering on your pain, loss, and betrayal? Are you holding on to the past? Do not let setbacks, losses, and bad breaks define the rest of your life! Do not allow a season of mourning to become a lifetime of regret! Press through the pain, regret, disappointment, and failure. Keep moving forward and God will repay you double for your troubles. Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NLT). In the tiredness and weariness, do not let the heaviness contaminate this year. Jesus has promised to give you rest. Right now, God is releasing new things into your life–favor, healing, salvation, deliverance, increase, and anointing. I declare that you are blessed with wisdom, that you have clear direction, that you make good choices in life. I declare that you are blessed with a good family and friends, that you have healthy relationships, that your children will be mighty in the land. I declare that you are blessed with protection and provision. God is watching over you and your loved ones. No sicknesses, disease, plagues, or sudden calamities will come near you. You are blessed to be a blessing to the entire world. We love you and we believe in you! 

Spread Hope: 

Building People. Spreading Hope.

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