people struggle with who they are. They do not like the way they look. They
think they have nothing to offer to the world. They have given up on life. The
truth is we are made in the image of God. You are awesome!
we think of the majestic Himalayas, it is easy to marvel at God’s creation. When
we look that the vast oceans and the creature in there, we can only marvel! We
watch a documentary about space and spectacular creation we cannot but
acknowledge God’s greatness. But did you know God’s greatest creation is you?
Bible teaches us that we are made little lower than the angels but at the end
of the day, we will judge the angels! The Word says, before we were born God
knew us. He put a blessing on us before anyone could curse us. The blessing
always overrides the curse. Many people look at themselves less than what God
made them to be. If we are to make the most of life, we have to see ourselves
as God does.
go through life thinking very little about themselves. They think they are not
good enough. I am here to remind you that God never makes anything inferior.
The color of your skin, your height, and the country you were born were all part
of God’s divine plan. Where you are today may not be where God wants you to be
but everything about you is part of God’s original design.
we blame our parents or background for the way we are – not too much of this or
a little too much of that. Fact is God chose our parents. He doesn’t make
mistake. If you do not like the way you were born you can be born again! When
we accept Christ, God becomes our DNA. We are not God but His character,
strength and power become readily available in and through us. This is the
great exchange – sinners become heirs of God. Accept your royalty in God and
take your position with Christ in heavenly places. Your seat has been vacant for
too long. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!
we allow other people to dictate our lives. Parents, teachers, spouse or people
in authority may have told us we will never amount to anything. We believe that
lie and sit on the sidelines for years. Helen Keller, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Winston
Churchill, Jesse Owens, Walt Disney, Paul Yonggi Cho all came from a humble
beginning but what history they made in the world! Today as you stand at the commencement
of this year, remember that the seeds of greatness are in you. God is no respecter
of people. His eyes are fixed on you and His Hands are stretched to help you claim
your stake in history. He has given you another 365 blank pages to write your
story. It is up to you to decide how the story will read. Do not limit God. Silence
the voice of the enemy and embrace what God has for you this year.
mistake people often make is that they are led by their emotions. Feelings are
fickle. Do not be led by your feelings. Our feelings are like waves crashing on
the beach. You cannot stop the waves from coming but you can choose which wave
you want to ride on. Friend, be led by the Holy Spirit. God will speak to you
loudest about your life than through any other person. God is in speaking terms with you. If you stop long enough
to listen, He will tell you what you should do. Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you
can do nothing. Let’s stick with Him so we can bear much fruit this year.
Friend, God is not through with you. Instead, He
has an amazing future waiting for you. He has crowned you with goodness and
favor. Don’t condemn yourself. Don’t commit suicide. Your name is written in
His Book and your picture is engraved on His Hand. He loves you more than you’d
ever know. You’re created in His image. You belong to His royal family. You will surpass anything your
parents ever achieved. You and God together are a majority. You are loved,
celebrated and I am praying for you.
“For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk
in them” (Ephesians 2:10 ESV).
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