Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

You Have Comeback Power

One day a farmer's donkey fell into a dry well. The helpless animal cried pitifully for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the donkey was old, and the well needed to be covered up, it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the old donkey or saving the well.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to throw dirt into the well. At first, the donkey didn’t realize what was happening and it cried even more. Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down the well, and was astonished at what he saw. As every shovel of dirt hit his back, the donkey did something amazing. With every shovel of dirt falling on its back the donkey would shake it off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed; the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and began to kick the snot out of the farmer and his neighbors! Ok, so it may not be exactly how the story ended, but in life people will throw dirt at you and try to keep you “down in the well.” The secret is to learn how to shake it off and turn it into a stepping stone to your advantage. Never stop and give up in what is a seemingly hopeless situation. Often the dirt that was meant to bury you, God will use to promote you. Jesus said it this way, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels--a plentiful harvest of new lives. John 12:24
You see, just because certain things looks dead or dormant in your life doesn’t mean there isn’t any activity going on underneath. The scripture says, the Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Psalm 138:8. That means right now, God is working on our behalf to resurrect the dead things in our lives. He is equipping you with comeback power.
I know people who are down, depressed and decommissioned from life because they have been mistreated by a loved one, a co-worker, a church member or by a family member. Friend, I have good news for you. Just because you’ve had some setback in life doesn’t mean God has written you off. The best days of your life are just in front of you. Put on a new attitude and a new perspective. The scripture says, He will give you beauty for ashes and turn your mourning into joy. Isaiah 61:4. You will rise again from the dust of your ashes. You have come back power within you.

The mother of all comeback stories is the death of our Lord. At the time of Jesus’ death, it looked like the enemy had gotten the best of Him. The Savior of the world was now hanging on a cross, helpless and without a future. Bystanders mocked Him; you saved others, now save yourself. It was painful and shameful, but Jesus did not comment on his temporary “defeat.” He quietly understood this principle – He had comeback power. He knew if God was going to allow Him to die, He would also raise Him up from the dead. And that He did! After three days, God raised Jesus up in all His glory and positioned Him at the right Hand.
We read that and think Oh but that was Jesus the Son of God. He wouldn’t do it for me.  Actually, He would! In fact He has promised to do so. The scripture says, the same power that brought Jesus back to life resides within you to give you the comeback power you need to overcome the trials of life. Eph. 1:19-20, Romans 8:11.
Have you ever looked at a seed and wondered about its power within? It may be small and insignificant but it contains God’s unlimited potential. As soon as it is put in the ground, it begins to experience some painful discomfort. If you could dialog with that seed, it will tell you, it is painful to be covered with dirt. It will say it is dark and lonely buried by the weight of the dirt. But the seed knows a secret. That little seed knows by instinct that it has comeback power. It knows that one day it will break free from its outer shell and push through the mighty dirt, bearing beautiful flowers and luscious fruits.
Friend, if you’re facing some dirt, some lonely nights or some temporary defeat, remember, you are a seed planted in God’s vineyard. He is the Vine-dresser and there is no way He will let a seed die without achieving its full potential. The scriptures say, for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again. Proverbs 24:16. You have comeback power to rise again and do great exploits!
If you’re facing a slump in your business, know that God is sending favor in your direction. If you’re facing a sickness – God is sending healing your way. If you’re struggling in a relationship – God is orchestrating restoration. If you are laden with sin and past disappointments, remember our God is full of mercy. He will forgive as soon as you turn your life over to Him. How about a dead pocket book? Crazy as it may seem, speak to your financial situation and say, thank you Lord for providing for my needs according to your riches. I will lend and not borrow. I have plenty for my family and plenty leftover to evangelize the world.
Friend, when you feel buried with dirt, remember to shake it off and step up. When you see dead things in your life, remind yourself that the same power that raised Jesus from the grave resides in you. When you feel small, insignificant and powerless against the mighty “dirt,” – remember the tiny seed. He is positioning you for the ultimate comeback. Confess God’s Word over your life. Surround yourself with people who will cheer you on to things God has for you. You have comeback power and no gates of hell shall prevail against you! Amen.

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