Sooner or later, everything of value will require a fight in order to protect and keep it. In political terms, it is like having a national army and military forces that protect our borders and national interests. At times, it requires the ultimate sacrifice from those serving in the armed forces. Freedom may be free, but it is certainly not cheap.
Often, the same kind of discipline, determination, and sacrifices are required in our personal lives if we want to protect and safeguard those things that are valuable to us. The difference between the “haves” and the “have-nots” is often our willingness to fight and make the sacrifice needed to protect that which we hold dear.
God’s people today are bound in many areas of their lives. Jesus paid the ultimate price so we would be set free from the grip of the enemy. But there is work for us to do if we want to receive the full impact of our freedom in Christ. Today we will look at three areas in which we can declare our independence.
1. Bad habits. We all have them. It could be biting our fingernails or out-of-control spending. Somebody once said, “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” We would love for God to zap away our bad habits and make our lives perfect. Unfortunately, it does not work that way. God wants us to take responsibility for our own actions. He holds us accountable. He will take three steps toward us to help once we take the first step.
2. Addictions. Addictions come in all shapes, sizes and forms. They are hard to break because they are often secretive in nature. But I have good news for you. The Scripture says that the anointing (God’s unprecedented favor) will break the yoke (bondage). That simply means if we acknowledge our weakness, His mercy will flow profusely to deliver us. Do not limit yourself by holding on to the sedatives. Declare your independence from the tyranny of addiction and enjoy the wholesome and free life God has for you.
3. Debt. Public enemy number one in our society today is debt. I do not believe it is a sin to be in debt, but debt can be deadly. With increasing debt comes an overwhelming feeling, “What is the point? I will never get out of this.” The number one remedy for wiping out debt is to have discipline and self-control. Before we spend, we should ask ourselves, “Do I really need this or is it just something I want?” A wise mentor once told me, “If you cannot pay off your credit card at the end of the month, do not charge it.” If you are already deep in debt, begin paying it off a little at a time. Stop carrying the cards with you, and if necessary, cut them up altogether until you are financially stable again. There is a price to pay if you want to live a life of freedom.
Friend, God is for you! Before you begin to feel overwhelmed by the weight of your burdens, let me give you three keys to overcoming any obstacle.
1. Decide. Nothing will change until you decide that something needs to change. It is in our decision to change that will enable us to eliminate struggles in our lives.
2. Declare. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence before the country ever experienced freedom. We, too, must declare our freedom from mediocrity, lack and addictions.
3. Dedicate. Accept the fact that it will take time. Commit to the process of change. Formulate an action plan. Implement it daily – a little bit at a time. Be accountable to someone you trust. The secret is to start. Start today!
Friend, you were born for more. You have what it takes. You can live a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life. Declare your independence today and live the good life God has in store for you!
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