Building People. Spreading Hope.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Be a Now Person

Have you ever set out to finish an important task and found yourself browsing the Internet, dusting a ceiling fan, or running errands instead? The next thing you know, it is the end of the day and your task remains undone. Life would be far more enjoyable if we did not put things off. 

Frank Lloyd Wright was a great American architect who designed his most famous building at the age of 67. In the span of seventy years, he designed over 1,000 structures. Edgar Kaufmann Sr., a wealthy businessman, hired Wright to construct Fallingwater, a weekend home for the family. Wright visited the site in November 1934 and told his boss that he was working on the blueprint. One morning, nearly a year later, Kaufmann was in the area and asked Wright if he could stop by to see the progress. Wright did not panic and, instead, finished the design within two hours! Fallingwater was listed as a National Historic Landmark in 1966 and can be found on the Smithsonian’s Life List of 28 places “to visit before you die.” 

Even the best and most talented people have to deal with procrastination. Are you the kind of person who wants to become more productive and disciplined, exercise regularly, eat healthy, wake up early, and finish projects on time? Procrastination makes us feel bad because we know that something needs to get done, yet we neglect it. Many life crises happen as a result of failure to act in a timely manner. There are, however, solutions to overcoming procrastination. 

Victor Hugo was a great French novelist who had a unique way of dealing with procrastination. He would get completely naked in his study room and ask his servants not to return his clothes until the appointed time. This forced him to complete his work without any distractions. With such focus and determination, it is no surprise that he penned such great historical masterpieces like Les Misérables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Now you do not need to take such drastic measures in order to overcome procrastination. You can, however, make small adjustments to better deal with it. Rather than putting things off, be a now person. If you can complete something in the next two minutes, do it now. Awareness is the beginning of the cure. Create a list that tackles areas of procrastination—paperwork, waking up earlier, exercising, tithing, cleaning the garage, reconciling a relationship, etc. Identify the problem and then act upon it promptly. Set your bills on auto pay. Learn to bite your tongue when you are tempted to say something hurtful and watch your relationship soar. The best way to finish something is to start it. Focus on the prize, not the pain. Consider the consequences. The pain of regret is greater than the pain of discipline. 

Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” 

Is God telling you to do something that you are putting off? When He brings something to light that you need to deal with–a bad attitude, addiction, anger, jealousy–then do it. Be a now person and do not put it off.  

In the Bible (Jonah 3), God told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and tell the people that they had 40 days to repent or God was going to destroy the city. Notice that God put a time limit on it. He said, “You have forty days to get your act together!” When Jonah delivered the message, the people of Nineveh fell on their knees. The king took off his royal garment, put ashes on his head, and declared a citywide fast. They did not say, “Give us a week, ten days, or a month!” No, they responded immediately by saying, “God, we are sorry for the way we have been living!” They repented and God spared the city. 

I wonder if you can do something that will unleash God’s unlimited favor over your life in the next forty days. Maybe the Holy Spirit is telling you that you have 40 days to get right with God, 40 forty days to forgive someone, or 40 days to break free from a bad habit. God gave 40 days to the Ninevites. I do not know what it is for you. Whatever it may be, I know that God is speaking to you right now. Deal with the issue He is bringing to light. If you choose to deal with it now, God will give you incredible grace to stop procrastinating. The moment you act, God will free you from depression and addiction. He will heal your body and restore your relationships. Be a now person, and watch Him launch you into the fullness of your destiny.  

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” (Hebrews 3:15 NIV). 

Stay Inspired: 

Building People. Spreading Hope.

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