Building People. Spreading Hope.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Location, Location, Location

In real estate terms, location is everything. Depending on its location a certain piece of property can be worth a fortune or amount to nothing. Sometimes it is a marginal as which side of the “track” the property is located. In real estate, location is the key to the value of the property. Likewise, there is a spiritual and emotional place where God has reserved for us in abundance, health, peace and prosperity.

In Genesis 19: 22, God told Lot, Hurry, escape there. For I cannot do anything until you arrive there. I find it interesting that the Ruler of the universe couldn’t do anything to help Lot until he got there. I believe there is place of maturity where the Lord wants to take us before He can release the breakthrough in our lives.

After I graduated from college in India, I was offered a secure job, prominence and an inheritance by two single ladies (we called them aunties) who raised me after my mother died when I was one year old. It made every sense in the natural to take their offer and settle down in life. But deep in my heart, I knew God had something bigger for my life. I politely turned the offer down and moved to the neighboring country of Nepal. I had no roots there – the language, culture, food, everything was foreign to me. Nepal being the land of the Everest, the weather affected me the most. I was freezing every winter wearing Chinese made cloth shoes that the locals called, “Kung Fu Shoes!” Nothing made sense in the natural, but God had a plan for my life that had to begin with my change of location. Like Abraham, He uprooted me from everything I was accustomed to in India and planted me in a totally new environment. That was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Since then in the last twenty five years, by the grace of God, I have ministered in more than 40 countries around the world. I’ve met people, seen places and experienced things in life that most people can only dream about. God has given me such a rich life experience; it started when I changed my address. For you, it may not mean change of a physical place but it can be a spiritual or an emotional state of tranquility.

My friend, are you in a place where you’re feeling stretched and uncomfortable? Is there a stirring going on in your heart? Maybe you are comfortable but deep in your heart, you’re not satisfied. You know there is more to life than the daily grind. Like Zacchaeus in the Bible, does your soul reach out for more than what the natural eyes meet? I have good news for you! There IS more.

Do you know how a pearl is made? A pearl is created by a living organism when a little grain of sand gets into an oyster. Over many months and years of irritation and natural process, that grain of sand develops into a beautiful pearl. If you had asked the oyster, it will tell you the irritation is not comfortable yet one day it pops out a pearl! In the same way, you are a pearl in the making. There may be a few irritations in your life right now that may be holding you back from where you want to be. If you endure and go through the process of change, your little grain of irritation will turn into a priceless pearl.

God is far more interested in changing us than changing our circumstances! Because when we change, our circumstances change automatically; and it’s permanent. God wants us to climb up higher in our character, in our actions and in our maturity. The Scripture says, He has made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6. What are you doing under your circumstances? It’s time to step up!

Bruce and his wife had been in the insurance business for years. It was his life and livelihood. In the last several years due to economic downturn and change of laws, their business had been struggling. They talked things over and realized that the pressure was affecting everything in their lives. They decided to quit insurance and start another business. Shortly after that Bruce wrote to me, Miss the income, not the headache. Of course they missed the income, but they understood that the stress was not worth losing their peace, health and each other. Bruce and his wife made a smart choice, instead of remaining in a draining business, they changed their business outfit. It's enabling them to live happier, healthier and longer.

Sometimes, you have to let go of the old, before God can put anything new in your hands. Don’t be afraid to enter a new place in your life.

Amanda goes to my church. She struggled with drugs and alcohol for 13 years! Her father was a drug abuser and an alcoholic, so there was no role model for her. To dull her emotional pain, Amanda turned to alcohol as a teenager. Through various experiences, Amanda was brought to the lowest point of her life, yet she had a sincere heart. Deep inside, she always knew this wasn’t God’s best for her. Like the prodigal son, Amanda came to herself. She surrendered to God and He delivered her from the addiction of drugs and alcohol. Amanda has been sober for nine months, married and is expecting a baby boy! Friend, God wants to free you from drugs, addictions, spending out of control and anger. But you must come to the place called there and that is at the foot of Calvary where His blood was shed to bring you freedom. With God, you can overcome anything no matter how long it has been!

Friend, I believe God is preparing a higher ground for you. His plan is to prosper you and propel you to a level you’ve never imagined before. Like He did with me, Bruce and Amada, He wants to bring you to a place of significance, peace and deliverance. Accept God’s provision. Where you are right now is far more important than where you have been in the past. But He wants to take you places you’ve never dreamed of. Hurry up! God cannot do anything until you get there!

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