Building People. Spreading Hope.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Joy to the World

Merry Christmas folks! This day in history thrills my heart as it reminds us of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everything about His life was miraculous starting with His supernatural birth. This day heralds the message of joy to the world!

When an angel appeared to Mary and gave her the game plan of how she was going to conceive a child without knowing a man, Mary could have said, “Listen angel, I know you look bright but this has never before happened in history?” Thank God Mary didn’t doubt and welcomed God’s divine plan for her life. She was a virtuous ordinary woman but God used her to change history.

Time and again, God used ordinary people to do extraordinary things. I think of Joseph who was a carpenter. Skilled at his job but a common man. God used Joseph and Mary to raise the Son of God! Today, you may not feel or look very bright but if you surrender your life to the will of God, you too will be used in an extraordinary fashion.

God’s dream for you is always bigger than your own. You may not see the circumstances in your life producing anything significant but God is working His Master Plan for your life. Where you are right now is not your final destiny. You’re on a journey. When God is through with you, you too, like Mary, will bring forth a miracle. God wants to use you to bring joy to the world!

When Isaiah prophesized the birth of our Lord hundreds of years before it happened, he declared, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6 NIV).

Let’s break it down. His name is called Wonderful Counselor. It means He will drive out confusion from our lives. Do you believe in one thing and everything in the natural looks another way? Do you have doubts and uncertainty about your future? With the arrival of Jesus, there is no more confusion; no more doubt. His name is Emmanuel — God with us. His Holy Spirit is our Helper and He will guide us into all truths. He is the best counselor money cannot buy!

What’s looking so impossible in your life? Is there anything too hard for our God? He brought water out of a rock. He parted the red sea. He caused millions of quails to fall to the ground to provide meat for the Israelites in the desert. What a mighty God we serve! Everything is possible when we put our unrestrained confidence in Jesus. Joy to the world, we don’t have to solve our problems on our own. We have a Mighty God we can depend on.

Today is Christmas but so many people are sitting on the sidelines of life. They made a mistake 17 years ago but they cannot forgive themselves. They’re down, depressed and discouraged. I don’t want to make light of your experience but I have good news for you. If you’re feeling down and out, we have a Father in Heaven who is full of compassion and forgiveness. You don’t have to condemn yourself. At the heart of God is mercy. Joy to the world our sins are forgiven. Come now, let's settle this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18 NLT).

The last part of Isaiah 9:6 says that His name will be called Prince of Peace. Aren’t you glad that you have the peace through our Lord Jesus Christ? But you know what? There are millions around the world who have never heard His name. How can they call upon that name to be saved? Aren’t you glad someone shared the Gospel with you? How can we sit in the luxury of America and forget the lost and hurting world? There is no joy of Christmas in their hearts because they don’t know about Jesus. This is why we at Build International Ministries are aiming to reach half a million people with the Gospel this year. We’re almost there but we need your help. Will you pray? Will you help and share? Because of you, more and more people will come to know the Price of Peace.

Happy Birthday, Jesus and Merry Christmas to you!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV).

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