Building People. Spreading Hope.

Monday, June 23, 2014

How to Sell to Anyone

Whether you realize it or not, everyone is selling something. Of course, none of us like being sold to, but the fact of the matter is, we’re always either buying or selling from each other.

Robert Stevenson said, “Anyone who sells a product, services or an idea is a salesperson.” For example, a mother sells her values to a child. The rewards are emotional and not monetary. As a minister, I “sell” the idea of Christianity to people who have not yet experienced Christ as their Lord and Savior. As a professional, when a person sells a solution, it is called a win-win because both parties end up gaining. The bigger the problem you solve the more profit you make!

Sales people often make the mistake of pushing their product. They’re eager for a quick gain but it’s not very effective in the long run. Always remember that people don’t buy products and services; they buy the experience of you. This is why it is so important to focus on building relationships and not so much on hard sales.

Be a better listener. You’ve heard the phrase, “If you’re telling, you’re not selling.” If you’re always dominating the conversation, you’re losing. It is far superior to learn the art of asking open-ended questions. I spent a lot of money and hundreds of hours watching interviews by Larry King on multiple DVDs because he could talk to anybody — presidents, film stars, celebrities, drunks, and crazy politicians! More accurately, he puts everyone at ease and they’re willing to share with him. Today, people compliment me as being a good listener. Why? It is because I take genuine interest in the person I’m in front of. This is what Jesus did. He took time to talk to ONE Samaritan woman by the well and the whole city came to know Him! Ask about the person, their family, values, and their lifestyle. The more they talk, the better educated you’ll be to provide a solution to their need. My banker friend Gale Wagner always says, “We’re interested in YOU and not just your money.” What a great way to add value to people!

Believe in yourself and your product. As a doctor, if you’re not going to give that medicine to your child, then it’s unethical to prescribe it to others. If you’re going to sell anything, you must believe in it. Recently, I was talking to a friend who needed to sell certain services to his constituency. He had been working hard but something was missing. I told him to share his passion with the people he was contacting and ask, with boldness, if they wanted to provide a solution to his cause. Within three days he had raised thousands of dollars for his mission. What was the difference? He added conviction to his cause. People see you as you see yourself. If they don’t see your faith, enthusiasm, and desire to help others, people won’t buy from you.

Don’t focus on the price, focus on value. You have no competition because there’s no one like you! Certainly, consumers want to buy the best and pay the least. But any sensible person knows that you get what you pay for. You have to find creative ways to add value to your customers. I know business owners who have full-time employees to answer the phone. Why is that? It is because human nature is to feel important. Nobody likes to talk to a machine. If you’re providing value, your customers will pay for your product.

Always do what is right for the customer. Once, my suitcase was lost during international travel. It was not a pleasant experience because the airline didn’t even know where my luggage was. Finally, the airline sent me a settlement check compensating me for my lost luggage. Only a couple of days after that, I got a phone call from a different airline in Mexico City (it was not my destination) saying they had found my lost suitcase. A few things were missing but I got my luggage back. Since I got most of my belongings back, I called the airline and asked them where I could send a check because they’d now overpaid for my lost items. They said, “Mr. Anderson, you can keep the whole check. We’re sorry for your inconvenience. We hope you will travel with us again.” Yes, I will. Why? It is because they did me right as a customer.

Friend, this week go out and believe that you can sell. Internally, you must see yourself closing a sale long before you talk to a customer. Talk less, listen more. People don’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care. Believe in yourself, believe in your product,and most of all, believe in the favor of God. He wants to bless you so that you can be a blessing to the world. I’m praying for you!

"The LORD your God will then make you successful in everything you do. He will give you many children and numerous livestock, and he will cause your fields to produce abundant harvests, for the LORD will again delight in being good to you as he was to your ancestors” (Deuteronomy 30:9 NLT).

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