In our busy schedule, pursuits of life and responsibilities, it is easy to forget there is a world out there waiting to hear the Good News for the first time. As professing Christians, we’re commanded to spread the Gospel beyond our families, communities and the four walls of our churches. Because the Gospel has no power until it is shared.
Before Jesus returned to heaven, he left us with one command, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel," so that He can return. But statistically, world missions is the one thing Christians have neglected the most. We've built cathedrals and more beautiful buildings on larger acreage. We've broadcasted the Message to the same people 24/7. We've built auditoriums and gymnasiums so our young people can be protected from worldly influences. None of this is wrong in itself. But alas, how we got our priorities wrong!
When you think of return on investment (ROI), the mission field in Asia has the best ROI. This month, one piece of Gospel tract saved a whole family in India. A sick cow’s being healed turned another family to follow Christ. Pastor Nayak was murdered in Orissa, India—he paid the ultimate price to bring the Gospel to people who have never heard His name—once! This month, two Indonesian churches were burned down to the ground; but the believers continue to meet.
Friend, when you partner with us, you join hands with workers in Asia who are winning souls for Jesus every day. Regardless of hardship, persecution and even death, missionary workers are reaching the most unreached. They are healing the sick, baptizing and discipling new souls to Christ and planting them in local churches. I encourage you to team up with our ministry. Your partnership will credit souls to your name, strengthen the Asian workers and expand the Kingdom of God on earth.
We are praying for you: “My beloved is to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Cor. 15:58.
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