Building People. Spreading Hope.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

You're Created for More

Even though it is God’s plan to bless us, we can hinder His plan with our limited thinking. One of the worst things you can do is to go against God’s will to bless you. Today He is planning your increase. He has more in store for you than you can ever imagine. He can do more in a split second than what you can do for yourself in a lifetime. God is a God of promotion and He is poised to help you.

Cara Wood was only 17 when she worked as a waitress at a local restaurant near Cleveland, Ohio. She was hard worker, bright, and cheerful.  One day a customer came in whose name was Bill Cruxton. Bill, a widower with no children, went to the restaurant every day for his meal. He always sat in Cara’s section and, after a while, took a liking to her. He said that if he had had any grandkids, they would have been just like her. Bill and Cara became fast friends and Cara even helped him around the house and ran errands for him.

At the age of 82, when Bill died, he made sure Cara was the only beneficiary of his half-a-million-dollar estate. Cara was able to pay off her college education and went on to make a living by investing the inheritance.

Friend, just like Cara, God has increase, promotion, and means for you that you do not know of. “May the LORD cause you to flourish, both you and your children” (Psalm 115:14 NIV). See, it is God’s plan to increase you. But you have to believe and embrace it. Just because you don’t see a way doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a way. Simply thank God that promotion is coming, healing is coming, wealth is coming, and salvation and deliverance are coming for your family.

The 1960 Summer Olympics were held in Rome, Italy. 20-year-old Wilma Rudolph made history by winning three gold medals in track and field. People lovingly nicknamed her “The Tornado” – the fastest woman on earth. Wilma was acclaimed to fame but her life didn’t start off that way. She was born prematurely at only 4.5 pounds and the 20th of 22 siblings. At the age of four, Wilma contracted severe polio. Doctor told her parents that she would never walk again. She spent two years bedridden.

With the help of a special leg brace and a shoe Wilma learned how to walk again. At the age of 11, without her parents’ knowledge, she began to take off her leg brace and play with other children. Her passion was running. One day she caught the eye of a coach from Tennessee State University. He invited her to try out for the team. Wilma not only qualified for the team but, at just 16 years old, went on the win a bronze medal in the 1956 Olympics. Four years later, Wilma Rudolph became an international sensation by winning three gold medals!

Let’s not limit God. If anybody could have made excuses, it should have been Wilma. But she didn’t and neither should we. Wilma remained willing and open to new possibilities. Her faith was so strong that she defied medical science! Friend, you too were created for more. If you stay in faith, you will climb new heights and go on to make history!

Today, I encourage you to stir up the dreams God has put in your heart. Don’t say, “Can God?” Instead say, “God can!” Jesus said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God” (Luke 18:27). I pray and declare that your best days are still out in front of you. With God’s help, you will climb to the pinnacle of your success. God is with you and more importantly, He is for you. You are created for more!

Finding Your Purpose

Do you feel something missing in your life? Do you want to make a bigger impact in the world but you’re not sure how? Relax - you’re not alone! The older we get, the more we feel the urge to leave our mark on the world. The good news is that we can!

Mark Twin said, “The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” In order to live a satisfied life, we have to connect with our purpose.

Most of you have heard of Gandhi, the man who led the nation of India into independence from British rule. Did you know he started off as an ordinary person? However, Gandhi became unstoppable when he discovered his purpose.

Gandhi was born into a middle class family. As a youth, he was an introvert who suffered from low self-esteem. He struggled to make good grades and finish school. Hoping the environment would motivate him, his parents sent him to England to receive higher education. There he became a lawyer. When he returned to India, he found it hard to find clients because he was unfamiliar with the Indian legal system. Gandhi migrated to South Africa to work as a clerk and it was there that a personal experience catapulted him to discover his purpose in life.

One day, Gandhi was riding in the first-class compartment of a train. However, because of his dark skin, he was forced off the coach. This experience was the turning point in Gandhi’s life. From then on, he dedicated his life to speaking and standing against discrimination and injustice. This new-found purpose eventually fueled Gandhi to lead India to her independence.

Without a vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:11). When you discover your purpose, you become unstoppable. Purpose is the engine that drives us to our destiny. Nothing is more explosive than a person who is connected to his/her purpose. When we discover our purpose, we awaken the sleeping giant within us. 

Never let the odds in your life keep you from pursuing your purpose. The potential of an oak tree sleeps in the acorn. But when planted, it becomes a giant oak tree. Seeds of greatness reside in you. When you surrender your life to your purpose, you’re powerful.

Adversaries are there to your advantage. David was only a shepherd boy until he met Goliath. Everyone said, “Goliath is too big to fight.” David said, “Goliath is too big to miss!” Often the problems we are facing today become the pathways to our greatness. Without Goliath, David would still be known as the shepherd boy.

Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it (1 Peter 4:10 MSG).

God put in you specific gifts to match with your destiny. One way you can find your purpose is to discover your natural talents. Another way you can find your purpose is to find your passion. Often, your passion is your purpose. Lastly, serve! If you want to find your purpose, then lose your life in the service of others. Jesus said, “The greatest among you will be the servant of all.”

Friend, God has created you with a purpose. When you discover your purpose, you’ll become powerful. Lose your life in the service of others and you’ll find yourself among the greatest. I pray and declare that you’ll do great and mighty things for God. Like Gandhi, you’ll influence millions. Like David, you’ll overcome every opposition. Your later days will be greater than your beginning, and you will go on to become a world changer!