We all face challenges and difficulties at times. God does not send them, but He allows them to grow us and build our character. When you are dealing with an adversity, do not simply go through it but grow through it.
Horatio Gates Spafford was born in New York on October 20, 1828. He became a prominent lawyer and a church leader. In 1861, he married Anna Larsen from Stavanger, Norway. The Spaffords were friends and supporters of Dwight L. Moody, a famous evangelist. Horatio was a real estate investor when the Great Fire of Chicago reduced the city to ashes, destroying most his investments. Two years later, the family decided to travel to Europe. Last minute business prevented Horatio from joining his wife and four daughters on their vacation to England where D. L. Moody would be preaching. Horatio decided to take care of business first and follow behind shortly.
On November 22, 1873, the steamship Ville Du Havre was struck by an iron sailing vessel while crossing the Atlantic. A total of 226 people died including the couple’s four daughters. Anna Spafford survived the tragedy. Upon arriving in England, she sent her husband a message containing just two words, “Saved alone!” Horatio immediately boarded the next ship to Wales. When they approached the area of the shipwreck, he gazed across the billowing waves that had taken the lives of his daughters. That night, Horatio wrote a poem that would later become the famous hymn, “It is Well with My Soul.”
We all face difficulties, delays, and disappointments, but not many of us face trials like Horatio did. He could have become bitter and angry towards God, blamed the shipwreck, or even himself for not having been with his family, but he kept the right perspective and stood strong during adversity. They went on to have three more children and fulfilled their destiny.
You have had your share of heartache, misfortune, or loss but where you are now is not your final destiny. God has a big plan for your life. He has called you to do great things. Stand strong even when things are not going as planned, when the answer is taking longer than you thought, or when you feel like giving up. Make up your mind to never stop trusting God, believing, and expecting things to turn around.
God uses challenges to stretch us and enlarge our vision. It may be uncomfortable, and you could have a good reason to walk away, but do not take the easy way out. Stay committed to your vision, your relationship. Stay committed to raising your children. Stay committed to your friends. If you stay loyal to God and the people in your life, God will take you places you never imagined.
Everyone feels like giving up halfway to their goal. Some people turn around and go back. Others stay committed and keep moving forward. Notice that each person ends up traveling the same distance. One goes the halfway back to where they started. The other continues the last half ahead and reaches their destiny.
In 2 Corinthians 11, the Apostle Paul recalls how he suffered for the gospel. He was flogged, beaten with rods, bitten by a snake, pelted with stones, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and constantly stressed about the developing churches. Paul could have made excuses to give up and throw in the towel. Instead, he stood strong during adversity. It was his faithfulness and perseverance that made him one of the most influential leaders of the early church and an inspiration to us today.
Are you facing some setbacks? Are you plagued by opposition, difficulties, delays, and injustice? Let me assure you that God will repay you. When you honor Him and walk in obedience, He will make it up to you. God is in control of every situation in your life. Remain faithful during your time of adversity. Make up your mind to serve Him no matter what comes against you. Fight the good fight of faith. Remember, nothing happens to you, everything happens for you. You are growing, maturing, and being prepared for increase and influence. Do not give up on your dreams. Stand strong during adversity. You are closer than you think. God will restore everything the enemy has stolen from you. He will give you double for your troubles. He will make you an example of His goodness. He will make you a blessing to others. If you stay in faith and persevere, I believe and declare that your best days are right in front of you.
“Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground” (Ephesians 6:13).
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